Note: In order to find a course in the new 4 digit numbering system using an old 3 digit number, please refer to the conversion list below. Before registering for courses with the new 4 digit numbering system, please ensure that you have not previously taken the course in its 3 digit form.
Click here for conversion list of former 3-digit course numbers.
All Engineering courses are available only to students registered in the Faculty of Engineering unless indicated otherwise. |
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
2206A/B -
Industrial Organic Chemistry I
This course deals with the fundamental principles governing the structure and reactivity of organic
molecules. Organic molecules form the basis of industrial chemical and environmental processes. The laboratory section focuses on bench scale processing of organic chemical products, and the use of modern instruments for analysis of organic materials and monitoring of chemical processes.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
2207A/B -
Industrial Organic Chemistry II
This course deals with the reactivity of organic molecules with particular focus on those reactions forming the basis of industrial and environmental processes. The laboratory section focuses on the bench scale synthesis of organic chemical products, and the use of modern instruments for the analysis of these products.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
2214A/B -
Engineering Thermodynamics
Properties of a pure substance, first law of thermodynamics, processes in open and closed systems, second law of thermodynamics; ideal gases, mixture of ideal gases, and psychometry, compressors and energy conversion systems.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
2220A/B -
Chemical Process Calculations
The objective of this course is to introduce second year students to the field of chemical engineering. The basic concepts employed in chemical engineering will be covered. Examples of chemical, biochemical, environmental industries will be presented. New directions in chemical and biochemical engineering will be introduced.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
2221A/B -
Fluid Flow
To introduce chemical engineering students to the basics of momentum transfer and fluid flow; their application to the solution of engineering problems. Topics include: conservation of mass, momentum and energy, flow of fluids, measurement of fluid flow, laminar and turbulent flow, compressible and incompressible flow, pumps, nozzles, flow meters, turbines.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
2224A/B -
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Provides the basics of the thermodynamics involved in chemical engineering with emphasis on material and energy balances, thermo physics, thermo chemistry, and thermodynamics of chemical processes. Emphasis is placed on the application of thermodynamics to practical problems in phase equilibria and on solutions and reaction equilibria in separations and reaction engineering.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
2290A/B -
Fundamentals of Biochemical and Environmental Engineering
The overall objective of the course is to apply the principles of microbiology, biochemistry to understand and solve environmental problems. This course covers the fundamental concepts of biological processes that are important in natural and engineered environmental systems. Students will gain basic skills of biochemistry and microbiology in laboratory section.
The former Biology 1222 or Biology 1223.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
2291A/B -
Computational Methods for Engineers
This course is designed to introduce the student to technical computing for Engineers and Scientists using the high level, interactive, computational tools provided by the Matlab-Simulink Environment. Students will learn both the object oriented programming and command line modes of Matlab and apply them to the solution of a variety of problems involving optimization and dynamic simulation of Engineering processes.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
3301A/B -
Biochemical Reaction Engineering
Basic principles of biochemical engineering. Applied enzyme catalysis, immobilized enzyme technology, kinetics of substrate utilization, product formation and biomass production in cell culture, batch and continuous culture. Laboratory emphasizes growth of microbial cultures in bioreactors under different conditions of industrial interest.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
3310A/B -
Process Dynamics and Control
The course covers the dynamic behavior, modeling and control of chemical processes. The principles of feedback control of commonly-encountered systems such as level, flow, temperature, pressure, are described. Theory is introduced to illustrate current practice. Simulations of dynamic behavior of processes will make use of the MATLAB/Simulink programming environment.
The former CBE 4410A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
3315A/B -
Reaction Engineering
Chemical kinetics as applied to the large-scale manufacture of chemicals. An introduction to the factors which affect the design and size of chemical reactors, as well as the conditions under which they are to be operated for maximum efficiency.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
3317Y -
Introduction to Plant Design and Safety
This course introduces students to chemical processes, their formulation, simulation, analysis and design with considerations of safety, environment and economics. Students will be exposed to the theoretical principles of chemical process modeling as well as develop skills with one major computer package for process simulation.
The former CBE 3397.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
3320A/B -
Bioprocess Engineering
Transport phenomena in biochemical engineering systems, design and analysis of bioreactors,
mixing, aeration, sterilization, instrumentation and control in bioprocesses. The laboratory deals with complete fermentations, medium preparation and product recovery for selected processes/products.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
3322A/B -
Heat Transfer Operations
Introduce chemical engineering students to the basics of heat transfer, including conduction, convection, radiation and phase change. This knowledge will be used for the design of various types of equipment such as heat exchangers with and without phase change agitated reactors, evaporators, condensers.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
3323A/B -
Staged Operations
This course will focus on the staged unit operations in chemical engineering. It is designed to familiarize the students with the nature and theory of chemical engineering unit operations, analysis and physical separation processes based on the ideal stage concept.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
3324A/B -
Mass Transfer Operations
This course reviews the fundamentals of interphase mass transfer and transfer units and then reviews the design of differential mass transfer equipment, with special emphasis on absorption, stripping, humidification and drying.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
3325A/B -
Particulate Operations
This course introduces the main unit operations for particulate material. Fundamentals of particulate unit operations, including particulate characterization, particulate dynamics, flow through porous beds, filtration, fluidization, sedimentation, mixing and centrifugation.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4403A/B -
Biochemical Separation Processes
The main objective of this course is to introduce the student to the basic fundamentals of downstream separation and purification processes such as membrane separation processes, protein separation and purification and other separation processes of economic importance to fermentation industry.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4404A/B -
Downstream Processing in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
The objective of this course is to introduce upper year chemical/biochemical engineering students to pharmaceutical manufacturing. An overview of the pharmaceutical industry and its regulations will be presented, followed by the basic concepts of the major manufacturing methods and their component unit operations. Examples of the manufacturing of selected pharmaceutical drugs will be presented.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4407A/B -
Solid Waste Treatment
Principles of solid waste treatment using chemical and biological methods, with emphasis on waste volume reduction at the source and recycling. Classification of solid wastes, incineration, fluidized chemical reactors and bioreactors for solid waste treatment, chemical and biological oxidation of solids, chemical and biological treatment of hazardous compounds in soil.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4409A/B -
Wastewater Treatment
This course introduces a basic understanding of municipal wastewater treatment processes. The course reviews pertinent environmental regulations, and general wastewater quality parameters. Processes and unit operations in wastewater treatment are introduced with particular emphasis on process design. Considerations in integrating unit processes and operations into a treatment system are presented.
The former CBE 3363A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4413A/B -
Selected Topics in Chemical Engineering
The course deals with topics of current interest in Chemical and/or Biochemical Engineering. Topics and course outline will be available at the time of registration.
Completion of third year of the Chemical Engineering program.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4415 -
Chemical Engineering Project
Selection and investigation of an engineering problem. Analytical and/or experimental work is carried out by individual students or project groups under the supervision of a faculty member. Progress reports and a final engineering report are prepared; each student must deliver a public lecture.
Completion of third year of the Chemical Engineering program.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4417A/B -
Catalytic Processes
Kinetics and mechanisms of heterogeneous catalysis including case studies of several modern catalytic processes in industry.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4418A/B -
Industrial Multiphase Reactor Design
This course covers various aspects of certain multiphase reactors including hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer, residence time distributions and contacting models for large reactors. Design methods and calculations for industrial fixed-bed, fluidized –bed, and three phase reactors are covered.
The former CBE 3321A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4420A/B -
Computer Process Control
The course covers more advanced topics in process control such as Feedforward, Cascade, and Multivariable Control. Design of multivariable control systems using continuous State Space Methods is covered. Use of Real Time Process Control Computers for data acquisition and control are introduced. Discrete Process Control Theory using Z-Transformations is covered in detail for single input single output processes.
CBE 3310A/B or the former CBE 4410A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4421A/B -
Introduction to Biomaterials Engineering
An introduction of materials science and engineering topics. 2. The four materials classes (metals, ceramics, polymers, composites) will be addressed with emphasis upon the material types and material properties pertinent to their use in implanted medical devices. 3. The structure and properties of biologic tissues and biocompatibility. 4. Specific implant applications will be addressed.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4423A/B -
Tissue Engineering
Integrates principles of engineering and life sciences towards the fundamental understanding of structure-function relationships in normal and pathological mammalian tissues. The course will cover the applications of engineering design concepts and molecular cell biology to understand the development of biological substitutes to restore, maintain or improve tissue/organ function.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4424A/B -
Biosensor Principles and Applications
The fundamentals of biosensors and their applications in biotechnology, environmental and biochemical engineering will be discussed. Fundamentals of intelligent biosensor design are introduced. Basic concepts of micro- and nano-biosensors are discussed.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4432A/B -
Oil Refining and Processing
An introduction to petroleum refining processes, operations, feedstocks and products. Configurations of refinery processes and their evolution will be discussed in view of environmental efficiency and economic considerations. Current trends and future of the industry will be addressed.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4463A/B -
Water Pollution Design
Design problems on specific pollution topics are undertaken and completed. Topics selected are activated sludge, trickling filters, oxidation ponds, anaerobic digestion, composting, solvent extraction, flotation, settlers and clarifiers, incineration, chemical treatment, e.g. flocculation, coagulation, ozonation or chlorination.
CBE 4409A/B or the former CBE 3363A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4467A/B -
Green Energy and Chemical Processes
This course explains how green processes can provide a sustainable supply of energy and advanced separations, while maintaining a minimal environmental impact. New and emerging technologies will be explored for biomass gasification, pyrolysis, solar energy and the replacement of organic solvents with supercritical carbon dioxide and ionic liquids.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4471A/B -
Process Identification
Introduces the engineering student to the basic concepts of process model identification using experimental data. Various non-parametric methods as well as Time Series methods are covered. Dynamic Models identified are fitted to experimental data and are used for prediction and content. Computer packages are used extensively.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4493A/B -
Polymer Engineering
The basics of polymer science and engineering are covered. The theory of macromolecules, macromolecular chemistry and fundamentals of polymerization are discussed. Specific manufacturing processes and polymer types are considered.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4497 -
Chemical Process and Plant Design
A design is prepared for a full-scale chemical process. This involves the detailed design of all major pieces of equipment, an estimate of the requirements for new materials and energy, and a calculation of total costs. Problem formulation, alternative design solutions and professional decision making are emphasized.
Business Administration 2299 or registration in Option C of the Chemical Engineering program.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
4499 -
Chemical Engineering Design for Medical Students
Selected chemical, biochemical or pharmaceutical processes or processes for pollution abatement will be designed. Alternatively, the design of specific biomedical devices may be carried out. Chemical engineering principles will be employed. The design will include problem formulation, detailed design of equipment, environmental, economic and legal issues, and safety consideration.
Completion of third year of the Chemical Engineering program, Option E, and acceptance in concurrent degree program with Medicine.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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