Note: In order to find a course in the new 4 digit numbering system using an old 3 digit number, please refer to the conversion list below. Before registering for courses with the new 4 digit numbering system, please ensure that you have not previously taken the course in its 3 digit form.
Click here for conversion list of former 3-digit course numbers.
Statistical Sciences
1023A/B -
Statistical Concepts
An examination ofstatistical issues aiming towards statistical literacy and appropriate interpretation of statistical information. Common misconceptions will be targeted. Assessment of the validity and treatment of results in popular and scientific media. Conceptual consideration of study design, numerical and graphical data summaries, probability, sampling variability, confidence intervals and hypothesis tests.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
1024A/B -
Introduction to Statistics
Statistical inference, experimental design, sampling design, confidence intervals and hypothesis tests for means and proportions, regression and correlation.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
2035 -
Statistics for Business and Social Sciences
Descriptive statistics and graphs, probability and distributions. Sampling, hypothesis testing, and confidence intervals. Experimental design and analysis of variance. Regression and correlation, including multiple regression. Applications emphasized. This course cannot be taken for credit in any module in Statistics, Actuarial Science, or Financial Modelling.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
2037A/B -
Statistics for Health
An examination of statistical issues aiming towards statistical literacy and appropriate interpretation of statistical information. Common misconceptions will be targeted. Assessment of the validity and treatment of results in popular and scientific media. Conceptual consideration of study design, numerical and graphical data summaries, probability, sampling variability, confidence intervals and hypothesis tests. Emphasis will be placed on health-related applications.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
2141A/B -
Applied Probability and Statistics for Engineers
An introduction to statistics with emphasis on the applied probability models used in Electrical and Civil Engineering and elsewhere. Topics covered include samples, probability, probability distributions, estimation (including comparison of means), correlation and regression. Cannot be taken for credit in any 3-year or honors program or in any module in Statistics, Actuarial Science, or Financial Modelling.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
2143A/B -
Applied Statistics and Data Analysis for Engineers
A data-driven introduction to statistics intended primarily for students in Chemical and Mechanical Engineering. Exploratory data analysis, probability, the Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Chi-Square and F distributions. Estimation, correlation and regression (model building and parameter estimation), analysis of variance, design of experiments. Cannot be taken for credit in any module in Statistics, Actuarial Science, or Financial Modelling.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
2244A/B -
Statistics for Science
An introductory course in the application of statistical methods, intended for honors students in departments other than Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, or students in the Faculty of Engineering. Topics include sampling, confidence intervals, analysis of variance, regression and correlation. Cannot be taken for credit in any module in Statistics, Actuarial Science, or Financial Modelling.
A full mathematics course, or equivalent, numbered 1000 or above. Statistical Sciences 1024A/B can be used to meet 0.5 of the 1.0 mathematics course requirement.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
2857A/B -
Probability and Statistics I
Probability axioms, conditional probability, Bayes' theorem. Random variables motivated by real data and examples. Parametric univariate models as data reduction and description strategies. Multivariate distributions, expectation and variance. Likelihood function will be defined and exploited as a means of estimating parameters in certain simple situations.
The former Statistical Sciences 2657A.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
2858A/B -
Probability and Statistics II
An introduction to the theory of statistics with strong links to data as well as its probabilistic underpinnings. Topics covered include estimation and hypothesis testing, sampling distributions, linear regression, experimental design, law of large numbers and central limit theorem.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
2864A/B -
Statistical Programming
An introduction to programming using a high level language (currently R).
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Statistical Sciences
3520A/B -
Financial Modelling I
Discrete-time market models, option pricing and replication, risk-neutral valuation and martingale measures, and the fundamentaltheorem of asset pricing. Discrete-time Black-Scholes. Value-at-risk,mean-variance portfolio analysis, capital asset pricing model. Discrete-time interest rate models. Duration, convexity and immunization. Simulation.
The former Statistical Sciences 4520A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
3657A/B -
Intermediate Probability
A continuation of the study of multivariate probability and stochastic processes. This course builds on the background developed in the second year courses, and focuses on the more advanced aspects of multivariate probability, namely transformations where the domain of random variables must be carefully considered.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
3843A/B -
Introduction to Study Design
A case study approach to how data are collected in science, social science and medicine, including the methods of designed experiments, sample surveys, observational studies and administrative records.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
3850F/G -
Data Analysis
A course in applied statistical computing using popular statistical software such as R or SAS. The primary objective of this course is to strengthen students' applied statistics skills and statistical problem solving abilities. At the end of the course they should be able to identify suitable statistical methodologies for different situations and critically evaluate the appropriateness of model assumptions.
The former Statistical Sciences 3814A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
3858A/B -
Mathematical Statistics
Point estimation: sufficiency, completeness, consistency, unbiasedness, Cramer-Rao inequality, Rao-Blackwell theorem, Hypotheses tests:uniformly most powerful tests, likelihood ratio tests.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
3859A/B -
Multiple linear regression, Gauss-Markov theorem, Cochran's theorem, Craig's theorem, stepwise regression, polynomial regression, use of indicator variables, and regression diagnostics.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
4521F/G -
Advanced Financial Modelling
Continuous-time models, Brownian motion, stochastic integrals, Ito's lemma. Black-Scholes-Merton market model, arbitrage and market completeness, Black-Scholes PDE, risk-neutral pricing and martingale measures. Greeks and hedging, extensions of Black-Scholes model, implied volatility, American option valuation. Vasicek and Cox-Ingersoll-Ross interest rate models
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
4654A/B -
Markov Chains with Applications
Continuous-time Markov chains, applications to phase-type distributions, Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation and queuing theory.
The former Statistical Sciences 3652A/B, former Statistical Sciences 4652A/B, former Statistical Sciences 4657A/B and former Statistical Sciences 4737A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
4846A/B -
Experimental Design
Completely randomized designs, randomized complete and incomplete block designs, factorial and fractional factorial designs, latin square designs, hierarchical designs, random and fixed effect models.
The former Statistical Sciences 3846A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
4850F/G -
Advanced Data Analysis
Modern methods of data analysis including linear and generalized linear models, modern nonparametric regression, principal component analysis, multilevel modelling and bootstrapping.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
4853A/B -
Sampling Theory and Methods
Simple random sampling with and without replacement, stratification, systematic sampling, cluster and multistage clustering, ratio and regression estimation, models in surveys, survey design, estimation and analysis.
The former Statistical Sciences 3853F/G.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
4861A/B -
Time Series
ARIMA models, seasonality, dynamic regression, model building using an interactive computer package, forecasting, intervention analysis, control, applications in econometrics, business, and other areas.
The former Statistical Sciences 3861A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
4930A/B -
Selected Topics in Statistics
A course description will be available from the department at the time of registration.
A minimum mark of 60% in Statistical Sciences 3657A/B (or the former Statistical Sciences 2657A/B) or permission of the department.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Statistical Sciences
4940F/G -
Selected Topics in Statistics
A course description will be available from the department at the time of registration.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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