Green Process Engineering
2213A/B -
Green Chemistry I
This course introduces green chemistry concentrating on a fundamental understanding, design and implementation of processes and products that minimize or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous chemicals. An introduction to the properties of organic molecules and the general laws that govern organic chemical process is presented together with the main reactions of the organic functional groups with special highlights on green chemical reactions
Chemistry 1024A/B or the former Chemistry 1020 or 023. Open only to students registered in the Green Process Engineering Program.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
2214A/B -
Green Chemistry II
This course expands the concepts of green chemistry and application to the manufacture and use of chemical compounds. The concepts are developed concentrating on a fundamental understanding and application of the 12 principles of green chemistry. The course relies on knowledge of organic chemistry and its application for the development of green industrial processes
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
2218A/B -
Physical Chemistry and Reaction Equilibria
This course presents the basic concepts of physical chemistry and chemical equilibria. The general objectives are for the student to understand the basic concepts of physical chemistry and chemical equilibria that will be used by subsequent courses in the green program and be able to perform calculations associated with the prediction of chemical equilibria.
Enrollment in the Green Process Engineering program and CBE 2214A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
3310A/B -
Process Dynamics and Control with Green Engineering Applications
The course covers the dynamic behaviour, modelling and control of chemical processes. The principles of feedback, feedforward and cascade control of commonly-encountered systems such as level, flow, temperature, pressure, are described. Theory is introduced to illustrate current practice. Simulations of dynamic behaviour of processes will make use of the MATLAB/Simulink programming environment.
The former CBE 4410A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
3315A/B -
Reaction Engineering with Green Engineering Applications
Reaction kinetics as applied to the large-scale manufacture of chemicals. An introduction to the factors which affect the design and size of chemical reactors as well as the conditions under which they are to be operated for maximum efficiency with special highlights on green processes.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
3322A/B -
Heat Transfer Operations with Green Engineering Applications
This course will Introduce green engineering students to the basics of heat transfer, including conduction, convection, radiation and phase change. This knowledge will be used for the design of various types of equipment, such as heat exchangers with and without phase change agitated reactors, evaporators, condensers. Students do experiments related to green applications such as solar heat transfer, heat integration, etc.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
3324A/B -
Mass Transfer Operations with Green Engineering Applications
This course reviews the fundamentals of interphase mass transfer and transfer units and then reviews the design of differential mass transfer equipment, with special emphasis on absorption, stripping, humidification and drying. The laboratory component of the course focuses on the operation of mass transfer process with green applications.
CBE 3395Y.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
3325A/B -
Particulate Operations with Green Engineering Applications
This course introduces the main unit operations for particulate material. Fundamentals of particulate unit operations, including particulate characterization, particulate dynamics, flow through porous beds, filtration, fluidization, sedimentation, mixing and centrifugation.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
3382A/B -
Fundamentals of Green Engineering
This course reviews the fundamental concepts of Green Engineering. The general objectives are for the student to be aware of the environmental issues associated with industrial processes, environmental laws and regulations and be able to evaluate the global environmental footprint of an industrial process.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
3383A/B -
Solar and Fuel Cells
The basics of fuel cell operation, including electrode kinetics, membrane processes, mass transfer and hydrodynamics. The main types of fuel cells and solar cells will be taught, advantages, disadvantages and current status of development will be discussed. Applications of fuel cells for stationary, portable and transportation electricity generation.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
3385A/B -
Green Power
This course will introduce students to various electric power generation technologies and issues associated with their design, performance, environmental and social impact. Power consumption patterns of family households, small businesses and their modeling are studied. Solar, wind, nuclear, tidal, geothermal, hydrogen and biomass based electric power generation are reviewed. Aspects of their incorporation into the existing electric power grid and fuel cycle will be reviewed.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
3395Y -
Green Process Engineering Laboratory Course
This course focuses on a laboratory, green engineering project. It applies and integrates the concepts reviewed in heat and mass transfer operations, process dynamics and control, and particulate operations.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
4415 -
Green Process Engineering Project
Selection and investigation of a green engineering problem. Analytical and/or experimental work is carried out by individual students or project groups under the supervision of a faculty member. Progress reports and a final engineering report are prepared; each student must deliver a public lecture.
Completion of third year of the Green Process Engineering program.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
4484A/B -
Green Fuels and Chemicals
This course describes what are green fuels and chemicals and the main current or potential processes used to produce green fuels and chemicals. The student should be aware of the issues associated with the production of fuels and chemicals from fossil resources, be aware of the current processes that are used on a commercial scale to produce green fuels and chemicals, their advantages and drawbacks.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Green Process Engineering
4497 -
Green Process Design
A design is prepared for a device or a full-scale industrial process. This involves the detailed design of all major components, an estimate of the environmental footprint, and an economic analysis. Problem formulation, innovative solutions and professional decision making are emphasized.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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