Courses by Name 
- The Law, The State and The Individual, Political Science 132a/b
- The Letters of Paul, Religious Studies 121F/G
- The Letters of Paul, Religious Studies 211F/G
- The Literature of the Bible, English 135E
- The Literature of the Bible, English 135E
- The Major Forms of Oral Discourse, Speech 143
- The Major Forms of Oral Discourse, Speech 143
- The Management of Health and Illness, Sociology 305F/G
- The Matter of Technology, Media, Information and Technoculture 203a/b
- The Media and Religion, Religious Studies 221F/G
- The Media, Democracy and Ethics, Philosophy 124F/G
- The Metaphysics and Epistemology of Witchcraft, Philosophy 145
- The Modern Middle East, History 214E
- The Modern Short Story, Comparative Literature and Culture 295F/G
- The Natural Environment, Geography 123a/b
- The Nature and Philosophy of Geography, Geography 448a/b
- The New Political Economy of Information: Networked Capitalism, Media, Information and Technoculture 351F/G
- The Notations of Early Music, Music 452
- The Novel, English 209E
- The Novel, English 209E
- The Operating Manager, Business Administration 444a/b
- The Philosophical Foundations of Western Thought, Philosophy 130E
- The Physics of Music and Sound, Physics 132a/b
- The Policy Process in Local Government, Political Science 489a/b
- The Political and Socio-Economic Foundations of Modern China, International and Comparative Studies 152F/G
- The Political and Socio-Economic Foundations of Modern India, International and Comparative Studies 130F/G
- The Political and Socio-Economic Foundations of Modern Islam, International and Comparative Studies 102F/G
- The Political and Socio-Economic Foundations of Modern Israel, International and Comparative Studies 100F/G
- The Political and Socio-Economic Foundations of Modern Japan, International and Comparative Studies 150F/G
- The Political Economy of Information, Media, Information and Technoculture 246F/G
- The Political Thought of a Selected Period, Political Science 435E
- The Political, Economic and Social Context of Canadian Social Work Practice, Social Work 308F/G
- The Politics of Africa, Political Science 239E
- The Politics of Latin America, Political Science 241E
- The Politics of Ontario, Political Science 372F/G
- The Politics of Quebec, Political Science 371F/G
- The Politics of the Atlantic Provinces, Political Science 373F/G
- The Politics of the Constitution, Political Science 212F/G
- The Politics of the Environment, Political Science 137
- The Politics of the Environment, Political Science 235E
- The Politics of the Middle East, Political Science 243E
- The Politics of the Middle East, Political Science 143E
- The Politics of the Middle East, Political Science 243E
- The Politics of Western Canada, Political Science 370F/G
- The Presidency in American History, History 183
- The Provinces in the Canadian Federation, Political Science 133a/b
- The Provinces in the Canadian Federation, Political Science 151F/G
- The Psychology Of People, Work and Organizations, Psychology 164
- The Psychology of People, Work, and Organizations, Psychology 164
- The Psychology of Perception, Psychology 115a/b
- The Psychology of Persuasion, Psychology 373F/G
- The Psychology of Persuasion, Psychology 373F/G
- The Psychology of Physical Health and Illness, Psychology 152a/b
- The Psychology of Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior, Psychology 372F/G
- The Psychology of Social Influence, Psychology 353F/G
- The Psychology of Sport, Kinesiology 388a/b
- The Question of God, Religious Studies 244F/G
- The Quijote, Spanish 324F/G
- The Reformation, History 372E
- The Romantic Period, Comparative Literature and Culture 270F/G
- The Sagas of the Vikings, Comparative Literature and Culture 285F/G
- The Scientific Revolution, Philosophy 459F/G
- The Sea, Interdisciplinary Studies 020E
- The Search for Life in the Universe, Astronomy 121a/b
- The Sociology of Childhood, Sociology 431F/G
- The Sociology of Everyday Life I., Sociology 310F
- The Sociology of Everyday Life II., Sociology 311G
- The Sociology of Political Life, Sociology 352E
- The Sociology of Work and Industry, Sociology 169
- The Sociology of Youth, Sociology 105a/b
- The Solar System, Astronomy 221a/b
- The Solar System, Astronomy 231F/G
- The Soviet Union, History 439E
- The Structure of Spanish, Linguistics 303a
- The Structure of Spanish, Spanish 303a
- The Symphony 1750-1850, Music 321a/b
- The Symphony 1850 to Present, Music 322a/b
- The Synoptic Gospels, Religious Studies 212F/G
- The Theology of Marriage, Religious Studies 140
- The Theory and Practice of Religion, Religious Studies 147E
- The Two World Wars, History 186
- The Two World Wars, History 186
- The United Nations in the New Millennium, Political Science 104
- The United States in the Twentieth Century, History 444E
- The United States in the Twentieth Century, History 444E
- The United States, 1783-1901, History 344E
- The United States, 1783-1901, History 344E
- The United States, Colonial Period to the Present, History 234E
- The United States, Colonial Period To The Present, History 234E
- Themes in European Environmental History: From Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century, History 314F/G
- Theology of Marriage, Religious Studies 223E
- Theology of the Family, Religious Studies 150E
- Theoretical Ecology, Zoology 434b
- Theoretical Foundations of Software Engineering, SE 310a/b
- Theoretical Perspectives on Gender and Gender Inequality, Sociology 415F/G
- Theoretical Studies: Foundations, Music 001a
- Theories of Mass Communication, Sociology 132a/b
- Theories of Media and Technology, Media, Information and Technoculture 225F/G
- Theories of the State, Political Science 351E
- Theories of the State, Political Science 351E
- Theory and Policy Issues in Advanced Macroeconomics, Economics 316a/b
- Theory in Psychology, Psychology 393F/G
- Theory of Rational Choice, Philosophy 156
- Theory of Statistics, Statistical Sciences 358b
- Therapeutic Counselling, Psychology 366E
- Therapeutics in Primary Health Care, Nursing 493
- Thermodynamics I, CBE 214a/b
- Thermodynamics I, MME 204a/b
- Thermodynamics II, MME 258a/b
- Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Dynamics, MME 234a/b
- Thesis, Computer Science 490y
- Thesis, English 409E
- Thesis, Geography 490E
- Thesis, Political Science 490E
- Thesis, English 409E
- Thesis, Sociology 490E
- Thesis. Permission of the Department, Political Science 490E
- Thomistic Philosophy I, Philosophy 133
- Thomistic Philosophy II, Philosophy 333E
- Time Series Analysis, Statistical Sciences 361a/b
- Tolstoy, Russian 168F/G
- Tolstoy, Russian 268F/G
- Topics in 16c Literature, English 228F/G
- Topics in 17c Literature, English 238F/G
- Topics in 17th Century Literature, French 374F/G
- Topics in 17th Century Literature, French 375F/G
- Topics in 17th Century Literature, French 374F/G
- Topics in 17th Century Literature, French 375F/G
- Topics in 18c Literature, English 250F/G
- Topics in 18th Century Literature, French 384F/G
- Topics in 18th Century Literature, French 385F/G
- Topics in 18th Century Literature, French 384F/G
- Topics in 18th Century Literature, French 385F/G
- Topics in 19th Century Literature, French 394F/G
- Topics in 19th Century Literature, French 395F/G
- Topics in 19th Century Literature, French 394F/G
- Topics in 19th Century Literature, French 395F/G
- Topics in 20c Canadian Literature in English, English 241F/G
- Topics in 20th Century Literature, French 304F/G
- Topics in 20th Century Literature, French 305F/G
- Topics in 20th Century Literature, French 304F/G
- Topics in 20th Century Literature, French 305F/G
- Topics in American Literature to 1890, English 225F/G
- Topics in American Literature, 1890 to the Present, English 229F/G
- Topics in Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy 372F/G
- Topics in Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy 373F/G
- Topics in Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy 372F/G
- Topics in Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy 373F/G
- Topics in Asia-Pacific Studies, International and Comparative Studies 154F
- Topics in Asia-Pacific Studies, International and Comparative Studies 155G
- Topics in Asian Philosophy, Philosophy 315F/G
- Topics in British Literature, 1890-1945, English 213F/G
- Topics in British Literature, 1945 to the Present, English 219F/G
- Topics in Buddhism, Religious Studies 263F/G
- Topics in Canadian Environmental History, History 142
- Topics in Canadian Literature in English, 1760-1914, English 240F/G
- Topics in Canadian Music, Music 373a/b
- Topics in Continental Philosophy, Philosophy 460F/G
- Topics in Early Modern Philosophy, Philosophy 374F/G
- Topics in Early Modern Philosophy, Philosophy 375F/G
- Topics in Early Modern Philosophy, Philosophy 374F/G
- Topics in Early Modern Philosophy, Philosophy 375F/G
- Topics in Feminist Ethics and Social/Political Philosophy, Philosophy 431F/G
- Topics in Feminist Theories of Knowledge, Philosophy 430F/G
- Topics in Francophone Women's Literature, French 324F/G
- Topics in Francophone Women's Literature, French 325F/G
- Topics in Francophone Women's Literature, French 324F/G
- Topics in Francophone Women's Literature, French 325F/G
- Topics in French-Canadian Literature, French 334F/G
- Topics in French-Canadian Literature, French 335F/G
- Topics in French-Canadian Literature, French 334F/G
- Topics in French-Canadian Literature, French 335F/G
- Topics in Hinduism, Religious Studies 261F/G
- Topics in Human Evolution, Anthropology 336F/G
- Topics in Indian Sub-Continent Studies, International and Comparative Studies 134F
- Topics in Indian Sub-Continent Studies, International and Comparative Studies 135G
- Topics in Islam, Religious Studies 262F/G
- Topics in Jazz I, Music 367a/b
- Topics in Jazz II, Music 467a/b
- Topics in Judaism, Religious Studies 260F/G
- Topics in Language and Culture, Anthropology 245F/G
- Topics in Language and Society, Anthropology 337G
- Topics in Language and Society, Linguistics 337G
- Topics in Latin American Film, Spanish 330F/G
- Topics in Latin American History, History 348E
- Topics in Literary Theory and Criticism, French 314F/G
- Topics in Literary Theory and Criticism, French 315F/G
- Topics in Literary Theory and Criticism, French 314F/G
- Topics in Literary Theory and Criticism, French 315F/G
- Topics in Literature and Film, English 128F/G
- Topics in Mechanistic Organic Chemistry, Chemistry 453a/b
- Topics in Medieval French Literature, French 344F/G
- Topics in Medieval French Literature, French 345F/G
- Topics in Medieval French Literature, French 344F/G
- Topics in Medieval French Literature, French 345F/G
- Topics in Medieval Literature, English 218F/G
- Topics in Middle East Studies, International and Comparative Studies 104a
- Topics in Middle East Studies, International and Comparative Studies 105b
- Topics in Modern Philosophy, Philosophy 376F/G
- Topics in Modern Philosophy, Philosophy 377F/G
- Topics in Modern Philosophy, Philosophy 376F/G
- Topics in Modern Philosophy, Philosophy 377F/G
- Topics in Motivation, Psychology 309F/G
- Topics in North American Environmental History, History 402E
- Topics in Ontario History, History 364E
- Topics in Ontario History, History 364E
- Topics in Operations Research, Statistical Sciences 437a/b
- Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 378F/G
- Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 379F/G
- Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 380F/G
- Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 381F/G
- Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 396a
- Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 397b
- Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 398
- Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 396a
- Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 397b
- Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 398
- Topics in Poetry, English 208F/G
- Topics in Poetry, English 208F/G
- Topics in Political Economy, Political Science 369
- Topics in Renaissance Studies, French 364F/G
- Topics in Renaissance Studies, French 365F/G
- Topics in Renaissance Studies, French 364F/G
- Topics in Renaissance Studies, French 365F/G
- Topics in Romantic Literature, English 268F/G
- Topics in Shakespeare, English 261F/G
- Topics in Spanish Film, Spanish 331F/G
- Topics in the Anthropology of Health and Healing., Anthropology 390F/G
- Topics in the History of Astronomy, Philosophy 458F/G
- Topics in the History of Women in Canada, History 309E
- Topics in the Literature of the Restoration and Early 18c, English 247F/G
- Topics in the Philosophy of Law, Philosophy 242F/G
- Topics in the Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy 255F/G
- Topics in Victorian Literature, English 278F/G
- Topics in Women and Work, Women's Studies 251F/G
- Topics in World Literature Written in English, English 251F/G
- Totalitarianism, History 021E
- Totalitarianism, History 021E
- Trade Policy Issues, Economics 340F/G
- Transition Metals in Action, Chemistry 321a/b
- Transition Metals in Catalysis, Chemistry 461a/b
- Transition-Metal Chemistry, Chemistry 351a
- Translation, French 273
- Translation: English to German, German 292a/b
- Twentieth Century Japan: Society and Literature, International and Comparative Studies 181F/G
- Twentieth-Century British Literature, English 254E
- Twentieth-Century British Literature, English 254E
- Twentieth-Century German Literature and Culture, German 322F/G
- Undergraduate Honors Thesis in Comparative Literature and Civilization., Comparative Literature and Culture 410E
- Undergraduate Thesis, Film Studies 409E
- Understanding Disease, Pathology 240a
- Understanding Occupational Health and Safety in
Today's Workplace, Health Sciences 320a/b
- Understanding the Visual Arts, VAH 130
- Unit Operations I, CBE 292a/b
- Unit Operations II, CBE 316a/b
- Unit Operations III, CBE 304a/b
- Unit Operations IV, CBE 491a/b
- University French (Level I), French 021
- University French (Level I), French 021
- Urban Culture, Geography 322F/G
- Urban Development, Geography 277F/G
- Urban Economics, Economics 157F/G
- Urban Economics, Economics 373a/b
- Urban Economics I, Economics 157F/G
- Urban Form and Structure, Geography 378F/G
- Urban Political Analysis, Political Science 363F/G
- Urbanization: Macro-analysis, Sociology 151a/b
- Urbanization: Macro-analysis, Sociology 151a/b
- Urbanization: Micro-analysis, Sociology 152a/b
- Urbanization: Micro-analysis, Sociology 152a/b
- USA/Russia Foreign Policy, Political Science 400E
- Utopias and Visions of the Future, Comparative Literature and Culture 110F/G
- UWO Singers, Music 056
- UWO Singers, Music 256
- UWO Singers, Music 356
- UWO Singers, Music 456
- Values and Public Policy, Philosophy 146E
- Values and Public Policy, Philosophy 146E
- Vergil, Latin 260
- Vertebrate Biology, Biology 271a
- Very Large Scale Integration and Microelectronics, ECE 480a/b
- Victorian Literature: Major Authors (Survey), English 277F/G
- Violence and Christian Love, Religious Studies 166F/G
- Violence in Families, Social Work 468a/b
- Visions, Dreams and Religion, Religious Studies 133E
- Visions, Dreams and Religion, Religious Studies 220E
- Vocal Methods, Music 021a/b
- Vocal Pedagogy, Music 402y
- Vocal Repertory, Music 404
- War in the Ancient and Mediaeval World, History 185
- Warfare, History 457E
- Warfare, History 457E
- Water Pollution, ES 363a/b
- Water Pollution Design, CBE 463a/b
- Water Resources Management, Geography 355F/G
- Weather and Climate, Geography 208a/b
- Western Civilization, History 180
- Western Culture across the Ages, Comparative Literature and Culture 020
- Western Europe, Geography 366a/b
- Western European Political Systems, Political Science 248E
- Western European Political Systems, Political Science 248E
- Wildlife Ecology and Management, Biology 346b
- Wind Ensemble, Music 045
- Wind Ensemble, Music 245
- Wind Ensemble, Music 345
- Wind Ensemble, Music 445
- Wireless LANs and WANs, SE 410a/b
- Women and Literature: Special Topics, English 255E
- Women and Literature: Special Topics, English 256F/G
- Women and Literature: Special Topics, English 257F/G
- Women and Literature: Special Topics, English 255E
- Women and Literature: Special Topics, English 256F/G
- Women and Literature: Special Topics, English 257F/G
- Women and Social Work Practice, Social Work 456a/b
- Women Artists in the Western World, VAH 142E
- Women in Antiquity, Classical Studies 232E
- Women in Classical Antiquity, Classical Studies 132F/G
- Women in East Asia Society: Images in Literature, International and Comparative Studies 171F/G
- Women in History, History 255E
- Women in History, History 255E
- Women in the Canadian Workplace, Administrative and Commercial Studies 355F/G
- Women in the Christian Tradition and Society, Religious Studies 253F/G
- Women in the Christian Tradition from the First to the Twelfth Century, Religious Studies 251F/G
- Women in the Christian Tradition from the Twelfth Century to the Present, Religious Studies 252F/G
- Women in the Work Force 1700-1900, History 182a/b
- Women in the Work Force 1700-1990, History 182a/b
- Woodwind Pedagogy, Music 427a/b
- Work and Health Across the Life Course, Sociology 308F/G
- Work and Policy in an Aging Society, Sociology 315F/G
- Work in a Wired World, Media, Information and Technoculture 350F/G
- Working with Culturally Diverse Populations, Social Work 423a/b
- World Cinema, Film Studies 251E
- World Cities, Geography 155a/b
- World Literature Written in English (Survey), English 242E
- World Regional Geography, Geography 146E
- World Religions and Modern Conflicts, Religious Studies 110
- World Religions: Eastern Traditions, Religious Studies 203F/G
- World Religions: Judaism and Islam, Religious Studies 204F/G
- Writing and Reading in an Electronic Environment, Writing 207F/G
- Writing for MIT, Writing 121F/G
- Writing for Publication, Writing 203F/G
- Writing Proficiency Examination, Writing 200
- Writing: Introduction to University Essay Writing, Writing 020F/G
- Year Four Seminar, Physics 479y
- Year Three Seminar, Physics 379y
- Year Two Seminar, Physics 279y
- Advanced Special Topics in Anthropology., Anthropology 431F/G
- Cognitive Aspects of Information Presentation and Use, Media, Information and Technoculture 330F/G
- Critical Approaches to the Information Explosion, Media, Information and Technoculture 144F/G
- Design for Interactive Multimedia Learning, Media, Information and Technoculture 334a/b
- Developments in Media and Information Technologies, Media, Information and Technoculture 336F/G
- Exploring Learning Technologies, Media, Information and Technoculture 333F/G
- Global Political Economy of Information, Media, Information and Technoculture 320F/G
- Health Occupations, Health Sciences 206a/b
- Health Policy, Health Sciences 207a/b
- Introduction to Human-Computer Interface Design, Media, Information and Technoculture 331F/G
- Introduction to Interactive Media., VAS 256a/b
- Introduction to Mechanical Reproduction: Photography &
Printmaking I., VAS 232a/b
- Introduction to Research in Music Theory, Music430a/b/y.
- Introduction to Russian Literature in Translation 1, Russian 135F/G
- Issues in Performance Practices I., Music 331a/b/y
- Issues in Performance Practices II., Music 332a/b/y
- Killer Culture: War and the Mediation of Reality in the 20th-21st Century, Media, Information and Technoculture 142F/G
- Killer Culture: War and the Mediation of Reality in the 20th-21st Century, Media, Information and Technoculture 242F/G
- Media Representations of Women, Media, Information and Technoculture 325F/G
- Multimedia Theory and Production, Media, Information and Technoculture 332a/b
- Our Modems, Ourselves: Individuals in Cyberspace, Media, Information and Technoculture 321F/G
- Post World War II Popular Music , Music165a/b
- Professional Nursing Practice III, Nursing 392
- Professional Nursing Practice With Families, Nursing 382
- Promoting Health in Childbearing and Childrearing Families, Nursing 381
- Promoting the Health of Communities, Nursing 391
- 16th Century Prose Literature: Studies, French 363F/G
- 16th-Century Counterpoint, Music 309
- 18th-Century Art, VAH 266E
- 18th-Century Counterpoint, Music 319
- 19th Century Art, VAH 270E
- 20c Canadian Literature in English (Survey), English 239F/G
- 20th Century Totalitarianism, History 181
- A History of Russia from its Pre-Historical Beginnings to the 18th Century, History 227E
- A Study of Classical Hebrew, Hebrew 003a/b
- A Study of Classical Hebrew, Hebrew 004a/b
- A Survey of Physical Growth and Motor Development, Kinesiology 347a/b
- A Wellness/Lifestyle Analysis, Health Sciences 021
- A Wellness/Lifestyle Analysis, Kinesiology 021
- Abnormal Psychology, Psychology 351
- Academic Internship, Media, Information and Technoculture 299a/b/y
- Academic Writing in English as a Second Language, Writing 021F/G
- Accompanying, Music 078
- Accompanying, Music 278
- Accompanying, Music 378
- Accompanying, Music 478
- Accounting and Business Analysis, Business Administration 257
- Accounting and Business Analysis, Business 257
- Accounting and Control for Global Operations, Business Administration 447a/b
- Actuarial Industry Internship, Actuarial Science 399a/b
- Actuarial Practice I, Actuarial Science 426a/b
- Actuarial Practice II, Actuarial Science 427a/b
- Adaptations and Ecology of Birds, Biology 355b
- Addictive Behaviors, Psychology 120F/G
- Administration in Physical Therapy, Physical Therapy 420a
- Administration of Criminal Justice, Sociology 253F/G
- Administration of Criminal Justice, Sociology 253F/G
- Administration of Resources and Technology, Administrative and Commercial Studies 340E
- Adult Psychopathology, Psychology 350F/G
- Advanced Accounting I, Administrative and Commercial Studies 460a/b
- Advanced Accounting II, Administrative and Commercial Studies 461a/b
- Advanced Arabic, Arabic 200
- Advanced Bacteriology, Microbiology and Immunology 450b
- Advanced Biogeography, Geography 313a/b
- Advanced Business German, German 294
- Advanced Calculus I., Calculus 250a/b
- Advanced Calculus II., Calculus 251a/b
- Advanced Cartography, Geography 342a/b
- Advanced Cell Biology, Biology 316a
- Advanced Cellular Physiology, Physiology 473b
- Advanced Classical Mechanics I, Applied Mathematics 353a
- Advanced Classical Mechanics II, Applied Mathematics 453a/b
- Advanced Communications, Sociology 461F/G
- Advanced Communications, Sociology 461F/G
- Advanced Comparative Vertebrate Histology, Zoology 422b
- Advanced Data Analysis, Statistical Sciences 458a/b
- Advanced Developmental Biology, Zoology 438b
- Advanced Digital Systems, ECE 434a/b
- Advanced Directed Readings in MIT, Media, Information and Technoculture490E
- Advanced Directed Readings in MIT, Media, Information and Technoculture491F/G
- Advanced Drawing, VAS 300
- Advanced Ecology, Plant Sciences 403a
- Advanced Econometrics I, Economics 322a/b
- Advanced Econometrics II, Economics 323a/b
- Advanced Exposition, Rhetoric, and Persuasion, Writing 202F/G
- Advanced Exposition, Rhetoric, and Persuasion, Writing 202F/G
- Advanced Film Aesthetics, Film Studies 370F/G
- Advanced Financial Modelling, Statistical Sciences 421a/b
- Advanced Food Science, Foods and Nutrition 342a/b
- Advanced French Language Studies, French 474a/b
- Advanced Gender Relations: The World of Work, Sociology 380F/G
- Advanced Geriatric, Physical Therapy 410a
- Advanced Greek, Greek 020
- Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnosis, Nursing 492
- Advanced Health Informatics, Health Sciences 315E
- Advanced Health Policy, Health Sciences 417a/b
- Advanced Health Promotion, Health Sciences 406F/G
- Advanced Hebrew, Hebrew 020
- Advanced Immunology, Microbiology and Immunology 473a
- Advanced Interdisciplinary Survey of Women's Studies, Women's Studies 200E
- Advanced Interdisciplinary Survey of Women's Studies, Women's Studies 200E
- Advanced International Politics, Political Science 352E
- Advanced International Politics, Political Science 352E
- Advanced Issues in Health Care Ethics, Health Sciences 304F/G
- Advanced Italian, Italian 200
- Advanced Latin, Latin 020
- Advanced Linguistics in French, French 478a/b
- Advanced Linguistics in French, Linguistics 478a/b
- Advanced Local Government, Political Science 488a/b
- Advanced Macroeconomics I, Economics 320a/b
- Advanced Macroeconomics I, Economics 320a/b
- Advanced Macroeconomics II, Economics 321a/b
- Advanced Managerial Accounting, Business Administration 407q
- Advanced Materials, MME 446a/b
- Advanced Measurement and Research in Health
Sciences, Health Sciences 401
- Advanced Media Art, VAS 350
- Advanced Microbiology, Plant Sciences 402a
- Advanced Microeconomics I, Economics 382a/b
- Advanced Microeconomics I, Economics 381a/b
- Advanced Microeconomics II, Economics 383a/b
- Advanced Mineral Physics, Earth Sciences 424a/b
- Advanced Mineralogy, Earth Sciences 410a/b
- Advanced Monetary Policy, Economics 331a/b
- Advanced Monetary Theory, Economics 330a/b
- Advanced Neurological Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy 402a
- Advanced Orthopaedics, Physical Therapy 475a
- Advanced Paediatrics, Physical Therapy 450a/b
- Advanced Paleontology, Earth Sciences 461a/b
- Advanced Practice with Communities, Social Work 453a/b
- Advanced Practice with Groups, Social Work 452a/b
- Advanced Practice with Individuals and Families, Social Work 451a/b
- Advanced Program and Policy Evaluation, Sociology 478F/G
- Advanced Seminar and Practicum: Feminist Perspectives on Violence Against Women, Women's Studies 457E
- Advanced Seminar in Administrative and Commercial Studies, Administrative and Commercial Studies 410b
- Advanced Seminar in Administrative and Commercial Studies, Administrative and Commercial Studies 410b
- Advanced Seminar in Feminist Theory and Practice, Women's Studies 456F/G
- Advanced Seminar in Feminist Theory and Practice, Women's Studies 458F/G
- Advanced Seminar in Geographic Information Science, Geography 383a/b
- Advanced Seminar in Music Administrative Studies, Music 498a/b
- Advanced Social Change, Sociology 338E
- Advanced Social Psychology, Sociology 436F/G
- Advanced Social Psychology, Sociology 436F/G
- Advanced Sociology of Deviance, Sociology 437F/G
- Advanced Sociology of Deviance, Sociology 437F/G
- Advanced Sociology of Education, Sociology 430F/G
- Advanced Sociology of Health , Sociology 408F/G
- Advanced Spanish, Spanish 020
- Advanced Spanish Language, Spanish 201
- Advanced Statistics, Sociology 300a/b
- Advanced Statistics, Sociology 300a/b
- Advanced Structural Geology, Earth Sciences 402a/b
- Advanced Studies in Cardiorespiratory Care, Physical Therapy 409a
- Advanced Studies in Theory and Criticism, English 300E
- Advanced Syntax in French, French 477a/b
- Advanced Syntax in French, Linguistics 477a/b
- Advanced Theory of Statistics I, Statistical Sciences 446a
- Advanced Time Series Analysis, Earth Sciences 422a/b
- Advanced Topic in Comparative Literature and Civilization, Comparative Literature and Culture 491F/G
- Advanced Topic in Comparative Literature and Civilization, Comparative Literature and Culture 492F/G
- Advanced Topics, Physical Therapy 451a
- Advanced Topics in Athletic Injuries, Kinesiology 436a/b
- Advanced Topics in Comparative Literature and Civilization, Comparative Literature and Culture 494F/G
- Advanced Topics in Comparative Literature and Civilization, Comparative Literature and Culture 495F/G
- Advanced Topics in Ethics, Philosophy 461F/G
- Advanced Topics in Ethics, Philosophy 462F/G
- Advanced Topics in Logical Theory, Philosophy 451
- Advanced Topics in Measurement Research, Psychology 454F/G
- Advanced Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 496a
- Advanced Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 497b
- Advanced Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 498
- Advanced Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 496a
- Advanced Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 497b
- Advanced Topics in Philosophy, Philosophy 498
- Advanced Topics in Remote Sensing, Geography 309a/b
- Advanced Topics in the History of Psychology, Psychology 484F/G
- Advanced Topics in Women's Studies, Women's Studies 355E
- Advanced Topics in Women's Studies, Women's Studies 356F/G
- Advanced Topics in Women's Studies, Women's Studies 357F/G
- Advanced Topics in Women's Studies, Women's Studies 358F/G
- Advanced Topics in Women's Studies, Women's Studies 359F/G
- Advanced Translation: English to German, German 394a/b
- Advanced Translation: German to English, German 393a/b
- Advertising and Promotion Management, Business Administration 431q
- Advertising and Society, Sociology 172a/b
- Advertising and Society, Sociology 172a/b
- Advertising and the Mass Media, Media, Information and Technoculture 266F/G
- Aerodynamics for Engineers, MME 445a/b
- Aesthetics, Philosophy 350F/G
- Aesthetics, Philosophy 355E
- Aesthetics, Philosophy 350F/G
- Africa in Transition, International and Comparative Studies 250F/G
- African and Asian Cultures Across the Ages, Comparative Literature and Culture 021
- African-American History: From the Antebellum Period to the Founding of the NAACP, History 380F/G
- African-American History: From the First Great Migration to the Present, History 381F.G
- Ageing and Health, Health Sciences 310a/b
- Air Pollution, ES 405a/b
- Air Pollution Control, CBE 462a/b
- Airline Operation and Management, Administrative and Commercial Studies 406F/G
- Airport Planning and Management, Administrative and Commercial Studies 405F/G
- Algebra, Mathematics 230
- Algebra and Geometry, Mathematics 017a/b
- Algebra and Geometry, Mathematics 017a/b
- Algebraic Geometry, Mathematics 419a/b
- Algebraic Number Theory, Mathematics 411a/b
- Algebraic Topology, Mathematics 414b
- Algorithms and Data Structures for Object-Oriented Design, SE 205a/b
- Algorithms and Data Structures for Software Engineers, SE 202a/b
- Alienation, Protest and Rebellion in Modern European Culture, Comparative Literature and Culture 290E
- Altered States of Consciousness, Psychology 110a/b
- American Cinema, Film Studies 253E
- American Drama, English 286F/G
- American Drama, English 286F/G
- American Foreign Policy, Political Science 401F/G
- American Government and Politics, Political Science 144
- American Government and Politics, Political Science 244E
- American Government and Politics, Political Science 144
- American Government and Politics, Political Science 244E
- American Legal and Constitutional History, History 455E
- American Literature, English 264E
- American Literature, English 264E
- American Literature from the Colonial Period to 1890 (Survey), English 220E
- American Literature Since 1890: Major Authors (Survey), English 223F/G
- American Literature to 1890: Major Authors (Survey), English 221F/G
- American Literature, 1890 to the Present (Survey), English 222E
- American Women Writers: 1800 to Present, English 265E
- An Introduction to Computer Modelling and Theory in Social Science, Social Science155a/b
- An Introduction to Criminology, Sociology 266a/b
- An Introduction to Criminology, Sociology 266a/b
- An Introduction to Film, Film Studies 020E
- An Introduction to Film, Film Studies 020E
- An Introduction to New Testament Greek, Religious Studies 029
- An Introduction to the Biology of Organisms, Biology 025
- An Introduction to the Living Religions of the World, Religious Studies 130
- An Introduction to the Practical Aspects of Athletic Injuries, Kinesiology 336a/b
- An Introduction to Third World Politics, Political Science 240E
- Analysing Broadcast News: Canadian Perspectives on
Global Broadcast Media, Media, Information and Technoculture 135F/G
- Analysing Broadcast News: Canadian Perspectives on
Global Broadcast Media, Media, Information and Technoculture 235F/G
- Analysis and Interpretation of Biological Data, Biology 244a
- Analysis of Algorithms I, Computer Science 340a/b
- Analysis of Algorithms II, Computer Science 445a/b
- Analysis of Canadian Social Policies, Social Work 309F/G
- Analysis: Baroque and Classical Music, Music 380a/b
- Analysis: Romantic Music, Music 390a/b
- Analytical Environmental Chemistry, Chemistry 322
- Anatomy for Communicative Disorders Program, Anatomy and Cell Biology 225
- Anatomy for Occupational Therapy Program, Anatomy and Cell Biology 324a
- Anatomy for Physical Therapy Program, Anatomy and Cell Biology 201
- Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy 210F/G
- Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy 210F/G
- Ancient Religion and Mythology, Classical Studies 237E
- Andean Prehistory, Anthropology 234F/G
- Andean Prehistory, Anthropology 234F/G
- Animal Behavior, Biology 336a
- Animal Behavior, Psychology 321F/G
- Animal Reproduction, Biology 370b
- Anthropological Thought, Anthropology 400E
- Anthropology 248b Introduction to Syntax and Semantics, Linguistics 248b
- Anthropology of Development, Anthropology 281F/G
- Anthropology of Food and Nutrition, Anthropology 341a/b
- Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice, Social Work 421a/b
- Applied Chamber Music, Music 218y
- Applied Chamber Music, Music 318y
- Applied Chamber Music, Music 418y
- Applied Econometrics I, Economics 388a/b
- Applied Econometrics II, Economics 389a/b
- Applied Experimental Design, Statistical Sciences 302a/b
- Applied Linguistics, Anthropology 243F/G
- Applied Linguistics, Linguistics 243F/G
- Applied Logic for Computer Science, Computer Science 209a/b
- Applied Mathematical and Numerical Methods for Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics 276
- Applied Mathematical and Numerical Methods for Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mathematics 275
- Applied Mathematics for Electrical Engineers, Applied Mathematics 376a/b
- Applied Mathematics for Engineering II, Applied Mathematics 277
- Applied Mathematics for Engineers I, Applied Mathematics 026
- Applied Mathematics for Mechanical Engineers, Applied Mathematics 375a/b
- Applied Organic Chemistry, Chemistry 323a
- Applied Performance Instrument, Music 460
- Applied Principal Instrument, Music 375
- Applied Principal Instrument, Music 475
- Applied Principal Instrument I, Music 024
- Applied Principal Instrument II, Music 224
- Applied Principal Instrument II (Performance), Music 234
- Applied Principal Instrument III, Music 324
- Applied Principal Instrument III (Performance), Music 374
- Applied Principal Instrument IV, Music 424