Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements with no failures. Students must have an average of at least 70% in 3.0 principal courses, with no mark in these principal courses below 60%:
10.0 courses:
1.0 course: Physics 2810A/B or Materials Science 2810A/B and 0.5 course from Physics 2101A/B, 2102A/B, 2110A/B, 2910F/G; or the former Physics 2800 or the former Materials Science 2800.
1.0 course from: Calculus 2302A/B, 2303A/B, 2502A/B, 2503A/B.
2.5 courses: Chemistry 2213A/B, 2214A/B, 2271A, 2281G, 3364A/B.
1.5 courses: Earth Sciences 2206A/B, 3310A/B, 4424A/B.
2.0 courses: Physics 3380A/B, 3809A/B, 4810A/B, 4850A/B.
1.0 course: Materials Science 4999E.
1.0 course from: Applied Mathematics 2402A or the former Differential Equations 2402A, Applied Mathematics 3129A/B, 3815A/B, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 4421A/B, Chemistry 2272F, 2283G, 2384B, 3320A/B, 3371F, 3372F/G, 3373F, 4481A/B, Earth Sciences 2230A/B, 3321A/B, Physics 2101A/B, 2102A/B, 2110A/B , 2910F/G, 3200A/B, 3400A/B, 3900F/G/Z, 3926F/G, 4251A/B, the former Physics 2900E, the former Chemistry 2274A.
Note: The above courses may have prerequisites that are not included in the module.
Note: It is recommended that students considering graduate studies discuss their course selection with a departmental counsellor.