Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements with no failures. Students must have an average of at least 70% in 3.0 principal courses, with no mark in these principal courses below 60%, including:
Computer Science 1025A/B or 1026A/B or Engineering Science 1036A/B or the former Computer Science 036a/b
Computer Science 1027A/B or 1037A/B (in either case with a mark of at least 65%)
1.0 course from: Applied Mathematics 1201A/B or the former Calculus 1201A/B, Applied Mathematics 1413, Calculus 1000A/B, 1100A/B, 1301A/B, 1501A/B, Mathematics 1600A/B or the former Linear Algebra 1600A/B.
9.0 courses
6.0 courses: Computer Science 2208A/B, 2209A/B, 2210A/B, 2211A/B, 2212A/B/Y, 3305A/B, 3307A/B/Y, 3319A/B, 3331A/B*, Computer Science 3340A/B, 3357A/B, 4490Z.
1.0 course: Mathematics 2155A/B, 2156A/B.
0.5 course**: Writing 2101F/G.
0.5 course from**: Biology 2244A/B, Statistical Sciences 2141A/B, 2244A/B, 2857A/B, or the former Statistical Sciences 2122A/B, 2657A.
1.0 course from: Computer Science 4402A/B, 4411A/B, 4412A/B, 4413A/B, 4457A/B/Y, 4471A/B, 4473A/B.
* Students in this module who are registered in the combined Undergraduate Program in Business Administration (HBA) are allowed to replace Computer Science 3331A/B with 0.5 course from Computer Science 3325A/B, 3377A/B, 4402A/B, 4411A/B, 4412A/B, 4413A/B, 4457A/B/Y, 4471A/B, 4473A/B.
** Students in this module who are registered in the combined Undergraduate Program in Business Administration (HBA) must replace the 0.5 Writing and 0.5 Statistical Sciences/Biology requirements with 1.0 additional course from Computer Science 3325A/B, 3377A/B, 4402A/B, 4411A/B, 4412A/B, 4413A/B, 4457A/B/Y, 4471A/B, 4473A/B.