2000 -
Introduction to Neuroscience
A comprehensive introduction to the neurosciences. Topics include molecular properties of neurons; neural plasticity; development of the brain and nervous system; sensory, motor and integrative systems; neural mechanisms of behaviour and cognition, including memory, language, and consciousness. Molecular and genetic techniques, electrophysiological recording, and brain imaging methods will be examined.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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3000F/G -
Current Topics in Neuroscience
Students will read and critique current neuroscience research from the experimental and clinical literature. Topics will range from cellular properties of neurons to cognitive neuroscience. Critical thinking, evaluation of data, research design, and the conduct of scientific inquiry will be emphasized along with the ethical implications of research in neuroscience.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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4000E -
Honors Thesis
An independent laboratory project in Neuroscience emphasizing experimental design, instrumentation, data collection and analysis, and communication of experimental results by oral, poster and written presentations. Topics covered in seminar time include animal and human research ethics and institutional approval of animal and human experimentation, laboratory safety, and scientific communication skills.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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