Common 1st Year
Required Courses 2nd Year
5.5 courses:
(overload due to field course Earth Sciences 2250Y)
4.0 courses: Earth Sciences 2200A/B, 2201A/B, 2206A/B, 2220A/B, 2230A/B, 2250Y, 2260A/B, 2265A/B.
1.0 course not chosen in 1st year from: Biology 1001A, 1002B, 1201A, 1202B or the former Biology 1222, 1223, Computer Science 1025A/B, 1026A/B, 1027A/B, Calculus 1301A/B, 1501A/B, Mathematics 1228A/B, 1229A/B, Applied Mathematics 1201A/B or the former Calculus 1201A/B, Statistical Sciences 1023A/B, 1024A/B, or the former Statistical Sciences 2122A/B, Earth Sciences 2222A/B, Geography 2210A/B.
0.5 course from category A or category B.
Required Courses 3rd Year
5.0 courses:
4.0 courses: Earth Sciences 3313A/B, 3314A/B, 3315A/B, 3340A/B, 3341A/B, 3350Y, 3370A/B; Geography 2330A/B.
1.0 course from the Open Course list below.
Required Courses 4th year
5.0 courses:
2.5 courses: Earth Sciences 3369A/B, 4440A/B, 4462A/B, 4490E.
0.5 course from: Geography 3350A/B or 3352A/B.
1.0 course from the Additional Earth Sciences Courses listed below
1.0 course from the Open Course list below.
Lists of additional courses required in 3rd or 4th year:
1.0 course from: Earth Sciences 3310A/B, 3371A/B, 3372A/B, 4431A/B, 4432A/B, 4460A/B.
Open Course list: At least 1.0 is at a senior level; the following are recommended for additional geoscience background but are not required: Earth Sciences 2266F/G, 3321A/B, 3369A/B, 4450Y, 4470A/B, 4472A/B.
Note: Geography courses will count towards your category A breadth requirement