Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements, including 1.0 course from English 1020E, 1022E or 1024E with a mark of at least 60%. Students should consult with the Department prior to admission.
4.0 courses:
1.0 course: English 2430E.
1.0 course: Classical Studies 3100E.
2.0 courses from: English 2400E, 2420E, 2440E, 2450E, 2460F/G, 2470F/G or Music 2701A/B.
Students may apply for permission to substitute up to 1.0 course in a related area, provided that the course is devoted solely to dramatic literature or theatre arts.
Students should note that this Minor does NOT qualify them to present Drama as a second teachable subject to the Faculty of Education at Western unless supplemented by 2.0 courses in "dramatic or theatre arts."