Note: In order to find a course in the new 4 digit numbering system using an old 3 digit number, please refer to the conversion list below. Before registering for courses with the new 4 digit numbering system, please ensure that you have not previously taken the course in its 3 digit form.
Click here for conversion list of former 3-digit course numbers.
Foods and Nutrition
1021 -
Nutrition for Modern Living
A survey of human nutritional needs including nutrient requirements, nutrient functions and sources of nutrients in foods. Maternal and infant nutrition, food additives, food legislation, world food problems, and other current topics.
Foods and Nutrition 2121.
Background in Biology and Chemistry at Grade 11 or higher is strongly recommended.
May not be used as credit for Foods and Nutrition or BSc Family Studies degree programs.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
1030E -
Fundamentals of Human Nutrition
An integrative study of the chemical nature, metabolic interactions and physiological roles of nutrients. Includes dietary requirements, sources of nutrients, current issues and concepts, local/global food/nutrition problems and factors affecting them: consumer behavior, agricultural/industrial development, environment/population issues, national policies, and international agreements.
Registration limited to students in the Foods and Nutrition programs or by permission of the Department.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
2121 -
Introduction to Human Nutrition
An introduction and overview of the basic principles of human nutrition. Exploration of the facts and myths surrounding the subject.
The former Chemistry 020, 021, 023 and registration in the BA (Human Ecology) Family Studies program.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
2132A/B -
Introduction to Foods
A study of the scientific principles relating to foods and their preparation with emphasis on nutritional concepts in food preparation. An experimental approach will demonstrate the principles and methods of food preparation.
The former Chemistry 020, 021, 023. Priority given to BA (Human Ecology) Family Studies students.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
2232 -
Principles of Food Science
A study of the physical structure, chemical composition and nutritive value of foods with emphasis on the effect on a finished product of the physical and chemical conditions, the proportion of ingredients and manipulative techniques. Discussion of aesthetic qualities and food economics.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
Chemistry 2213A/B and registration in the BSc (Human Ecology) programs.
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Foods and Nutrition
2235A/B -
Fundamentals of Human Nutrition
An integrative study of the chemical nature, metabolic interactions and physiological roles of known nutrients. Inclusion of human dietary requirements, sources of nutrients and current concepts in nutrition.
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Foods and Nutrition
2241A/B -
Nutrition Throughout the Human Life Cycle
A study of nutritional requirements from conception to senescence. Discussion of food habits and nutrition intervention programs in relation to life-cycle.
Nutrition Throughout the Human Life Cycle.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
3339A/B -
Exercise Nutrition
This course investigates the important food/food components for individuals involved in chronic (regular) exercise programs and/or competition, i.e., athletes. The focus is on understanding how dietary needs are affected by regular, vigorous physical activity and the mechanisms responsible for any performance enhancement/decrement resulting from the supplementation of specific foods or food components.
Kinesiology 3339A/B and the former Kinesiology 4439A/B, the former Foods and Nutrition 4439A/B.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
3342A/B -
Advanced Food Science
Selected processing methods and their effect on the nutritive value and acceptability of a product; properties and uses of food carbohydrates, fats and enzymes used in the food industry. An independent study required.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
3344A/B -
Diet and Nutritional Assessment
A critical survey of the methods used in the assessment of food and nutrient intakes and nutritional status of communities, groups and individuals, in both health and disease.
The former Foods and Nutrition 243a/b.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
3348A/B -
Food Production Management I
The application of scientific principles to the procurement, storage, processing and service of institutional food. Menu- planning to meet nutritional requirements while working under the constraints of budgets and the available food supplies, equipment and staff. Food trends, sanitation and safety.
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Foods and Nutrition
3351A/B -
Clinical Nutrition I
Introduction to therapeutic nutritional care/service, modifications of normal diet to meet special nutritional needs, menu planning; documentation of nutritional care.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
3361A/B -
Fundamentals of Community Nutrition
The role of nutrition at the local, national and international levels. Emphasis placed on nutrition education, food habits, survey methodology, and current topics in the area of community nutrition.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
3364A/B -
Nutrition, Aging and Health
A study of the relationships among nutrition, aging and health including the current and projected aged Canadian population, their nutritional needs, limitations (economic, physical, behavioral, etc) to meeting those needs, nutrition/age related health issues and program/services available or needed.
The former Foods and Nutrition 341a/b.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
3373A/B -
Nutrition and Physical Activity
An integrative study of the impact of various levels of physical activity and in-activity on nutritional needs and food and nutrient intakes based on current research and recommendations with attention to popular half-truths and myths.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
4449A/B -
Food Production Management II
Managerial decision making relevant to financial management of a Food Service system. Ethical and professional behavior, internal control, records, work improvement methods and micro-computer applications. Practicum included.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
4452A/B -
Experimental Foods
An experimental approach in the study of the physical and chemical properties of food. Objective testing and sensory evaluation of foods. Introduction to standardization of recipes and food research by investigation into specific problems.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
4453A/B -
Clinical Nutrition II
Principles and practice of nutritional support in clinical conditions. Metabolic and physiological alternations in selected diseases as the basis for the implementation of dietary modifications.
The former Biology 280a.
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Foods and Nutrition
4455A/B -
Clinical Nutrition III
A study of the role of nutritional care in the management of selected disorders. Case study approach. Practicum included.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
4458A/B -
Equipment Selection and Food Facility Layout
The interrelationship of cost, performance, efficiency, and maintenance requirements in determining needs for food service equipment. Practice in planning physical facilities and assessing area and space relationships of food service operations as determined by present and future needs.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
4462A/B -
Selected Topics in Community Nutrition
This course will examine current issues in the practice of community nutrition. Practical experience will be emphasized through field work and/or placement with public health units.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
4471A/B -
Nutrition and Metabolic Processes
An integrative study of nutrient metabolism at an advanced level. Utilization of the major nutrients emphasizing regulatory mechanisms at organ and cellular levels under various physiological conditions.
Pre-or Corequisite(s):
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Foods and Nutrition
4486A/B -
Selected Topics in Nutrition
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