Admission Requirements
6.0 courses:
2.0 courses: Anthropology 2247A/B, 2248A/B, 3335F/G, 3337F/G.
2.0 courses from: Anthropology 2237A/B, 2243F/G, 2249F/G, French 2800, 3810A/B, 3830A/B, 4810A/B, 4820A/B, 4840A/B, 4880A/B, Linguistics 2244A/B, 2286F/G, 2287F/G, 3340A/B, 3390A/B, 4440F/G, 4490F/G, Spanish 3303A, 4406F/G, 4407F/G.
2.0 additional courses in Linguistics which have not already been taken from the above list or from the "List of Approved Courses in Linguistics" below.
Note: Some courses are offered only in alternate years. Students are advised to consult one of the Co-Directors of the Inter-Faculty Program in Linguistics when planning their module.
Approved Courses in Linguistics
Anthropology 2245F/G, 4411F/G, 4412F/G, English 3001, 3012, French 4040A/B, 4100F/G, Philosophy 2260F/G, 3201A/B, 3202B, 3260F/G, 4210F/G, Philosophy 2252W/X, Psychology 2134A/B, Russian 4498A, 4499B, the former Spanish 401.