Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements, including 1.0 course from Italian 1030, 1030W/X, (or the former Italian 002 or 002w/x), with a mark of at least 60%. Those with Grade 12 U Italian will receive special permission to go straight into Italian 2250 or 2250W/X.
4.0 courses from:
1.0 course (prerequisite for the rest of the module): Italian 2250, 2250W/X.
1.0 course: Italian 3300.
1.0 course: Italian 4420.
1.0 course: Italian 2100, 2136, 2230F/G, Italian 2231F/G, CLC 2100, 3333F/G, 3334F/G, 3335F/G.
With permission of the Department, special topics courses on Italian Literature, cinema, culture, or history may also be counted toward the module.