Academic Calendar 2006 (new)» UNDERGRADUATE COURSE INFORMATION» Science
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Science Courses

Science 390y, Internship: Planning, Practicum and Prospects
Description: A series of workshops, preparing students for an applied professional learning experience. Using an application/interview process, students are selected for 8-16 month placements in a sponsoring agency approved by the Faculty of Science. Following the placement, interns must complete a written report and oral presentation on work undertaken during the internship.
Antirequisite(s): The former Actuarial Science 399a/b, Statistical Sciences 399a/b, Chemistry 390a, Computer Science 390a/b/y, Earth Sciences 390a/b/y, Physics 490a/b.
Corequisite(s): Application for participation in the Science/BMSc Internship Program.
Hours by arrangement, Non-credit, Pass/Fail
Note: Since Internships are not currently available to international students, they are not permitted to register in this half course.
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Science 399, Internship Placement
Description: The activities, reports and other contractual obligations of an internship placement recognized and approved by the Faculty of Science.
Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in Science 390y. Approval of, and acceptance into, an internship placement.
3.0 courses.
Note: (1) This credit cannot be included in the number of courses counted toward any degree or program (2) Satisfactory completion of Science 399 and Science 390y will be recognized at the head of a student's degree transcripts through the addition of the words, "With Internship".
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Academic Calendar 2006 (new)» UNDERGRADUATE COURSE INFORMATION» Science