Academic Calendar 2006 (new)» UNDERGRADUATE COURSE INFORMATION» Environmental Science
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Environmental Science

Environmental Science Courses

Environmental Science 021F/G, Environmental Issues
Description: The science underlying environmental issues including climate change, waste management, endangered species and spaces, air and water quality, and ecosystem health, is presented and discussed from a variety of perspectives.
Prerequisite(s): Priority will be given to students in their first year at Western.
3 lecture/tutorial hours, 0.5 course.
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Environmental Science 300F/G, Researching Environmental Problems
Description: Topics will include: water pollution from toxic chemicals and biological sources; waste disposal and recycling of materials; other current pollution problems. Instruction and practice in library research and essay writing involving aspects of these topics.
Prerequisite(s): Biology 022 or 023, Chemistry 020 or 023, and Environmental Science 021F/G or Earth Sciences 081a/b or special permission of the program coordinator.
Pre- or Corequisite(s): Chemistry 210a/b
3 lecture/tutorial hours, 0.5 course.
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Environmental Science 350F/G, Research Techniques in Environmental Science
Description: A multi-module course where a case study approach will be used to acquaint students with the research tools of environmental science, such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), hydrology, stable isotopes, and the analysis, interpretation and presentation of environmental data.
Prerequisite(s): Environmental Science 300F/G or special permission of the program coordinator
3 lecture/tutorial hours, 0.5 course.
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Environmental Science 450F/G, Research Project
Description: Proposal, design, execution, analysis and interpretation, and written presentation of research in Environmental Science, under the direction of a faculty member and advisory committee approved by the Director of Environmental Science Undergraduate Programs.
Antirequisite(s): The former Environmental Science 450a/b.
Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in the Honors Specialization in Environmental Science.
0.5 course.
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Environmental Science 451F/G, Research Project II
Description: As for Environmental Science 450F/G. May be combined with Environmental Science 450a/b, to enable a student to undertake a two-term research project.
Antirequisite(s): The former Environmental Science 451a/b.
Prerequisite(s): Enrolment in the Honors Specialization in Environmental Science, satisfactory progress in Environmental Science 450F/G or the former 450a/b.
0.5 course.
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Environmental Science 494F/G, Selected Topics in Environmental Science
Description: A detailed study of selected issues in environmental science with an emphasis on integration of perspectives and expertise from a broad range of disciplines as represented by the particular faculty and guest speakers involved in a given year. Understanding and communication of the concepts and controversies discussed will be the focus of the course.
Prerequisite(s): Enrollment in a 4th year honors program "with Environmental Science" or the final year of the Honors Specialization or Specialization in Environmental Science.
3 seminar/tutorial hours, 0.5 course.
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Academic Calendar 2006 (new)» UNDERGRADUATE COURSE INFORMATION» Environmental Science