Academic Calendar 2006 (new)» » AFFILIATED COLLEGE COURSE INFORMATION» Japanese
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Japanese Courses

Note: Students unsure of their language level should contact the Centre for International and Comparative Studies about a placement test. In addition, all students, including first-year students, may obtain special permission to register in a higher course if they have sufficient background in the language.

Japanese 030, Japanese 1
Description: An introduction to spoken and written Japanese with emphasis on the development of communicative skills. Intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of Japanese. Prepares students for progression to Japanese 250.
Antirequisite(s): Japanese 033a/b, 034a/b, 036, the former Japanese 002, 003a/b, 004a/b, 006, or the former International and Comparative Studies 006.
Those students with Grade 12U Japanese or OAC Japanese must consult the Department before registering for this course.
4 hours, 1.0 course.
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Japanese 033a/b, Japanese for Beginners (1)
Description: An introduction to spoken and written Japanese with emphasis on the development of communicative skills. Intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of Japanese. Prepares students for progression to Japanese 034a/b.
Antirequisite(s): Japanese 030, 036, the former Japanese 002, 003a/b, 006, the former International and Comparative Studies 006.
Those students with Grade 12U Japanese or OAC Japanese must consult the Department before registering for this course.
4 hours, 0.5 course.
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Japanese 034a/b, Japanese for Beginners (2)
Description: An introduction to spoken and written Japanese with emphasis on the development of communicative skills. Intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of Japanese. Prepares students for progression to Japanese 250.
Antirequisite(s): Japanese 030, 036, the former Japanese 002, 004a/b, 006, the former International and Comparative Studies 006.
Prerequisite(s): Japanese 033a/b or the former Japanese 003a/b.
Those students with Grade 12U Japanese or OAC Japanese must consult the Department before registering for this course.
4 hours, 0.5 course.
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Japanese 036, Intensive Japanese for Beginners
Description: An intensive introduction to spoken and written Japanese with emphasis on the development of communicative skills. Intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of Japanese. This course proceeds at a faster pace than Japanese 030. Prepares students for progression to Japanese 260.
Antirequisite(s): Japanese 030, 033a/b, 034a/b, the former Japanese 002, 003a/b, 004a/b, 006, the former International and Comparative Studies 006.
Those students with Grade 12U Japanese or OAC Japanese must consult the Department before registering for this course.
4 hours, 1 laboratory hour, 1.0 course.
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Japanese 250, Japanese 2
Description: Builds on skills in reading and speaking Japanese developed in earlier courses. This course bridges between the elementary and intermediate level. Students gain increased vocabulary and familiarity with more extensive grammatical structures and will be able to communicate in Japanese regarding non-specialized topics.
Antirequisite(s): Japanese 260, the former Japanese 020, 026, the former International and Comparative Studies 026.
Prerequisite(s): Japanese 030 or 033a/b and 034a/b or the former Japanese 002 or International and Comparative Studies 006 or the former OAC Japanese, or permission of the Department.
4 hours, 1.0 course.
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Japanese 260, Intensive Intermediate Japanese
Description: This course is designed to build on all four language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) in Japanese developed in earlier courses. Emphasis is on the expansion of Japanese vocabulary, grammatical structures and kanji. Oral/aural practice is supplemented by weekly language laboratory sessions. Prepares students for progression to Japanese 450.
Antirequisite(s): Japanese 250, 350, the former Japanese 020, 026, the former International and Comparative Studies 026, 126.
Prerequisite(s): Japanese 036 or the former Japanese 006 or permission of the Department.
4 hours, 1 laboratory hour, 1.0 course.
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Japanese 270F/G, Special Topics
Description: Further study in Japanese language and culture.
Prerequisite(s): Japanese 250 or the former Japanese 020, or permission of the department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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Japanese 271F/G, Special Topics
Description: Further study in Japanese language and culture.
Prerequisite(s): Japanese 250 or the former Japanese 020, or permission of the department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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Japanese 350, Japanese 3
Description: More advanced conversation, written composition, listening skills, and translation techniques will be emphasized. Students will master all the core elements of Japanese grammar, a larger vocabulary and kanji, and intermediate-level communicative skills.
Antirequisite(s): The former Japanese 200, the former International and Comparative Studies 126.
Prerequisite(s): Japanese 250 or the former Japanese 020 or the former ICS 026, or permission of the Department.
4 hours, 1.0 course.
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Japanese 370F/G, Special Topics
Description: Further study in Japanese language and culture.
Prerequisite(s): Japanese 350 or the former Japanese 200, or permission of the department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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Japanese 371F/G, Special Topics
Description: Further study in Japanese language and culture.
Prerequisite(s): Japanese 350 or the former Japanese 200, or permission of the department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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Japanese 450, Japanese 4
Description: This course builds on the skills developed in Japanese 350. Students will read such primary materials as newspaper and journal articles, develop skills in conversation and discussion of topics related to the readings and develop practical writing skills.
Antirequisite(s): The former Japanese 300, the former International and Comparative Studies 226.
Prerequisite(s): Japanese 260 or 350 or the former Japanese 020 or 026 or the former ICS 126, or placement test.
4 hours, 1.0 course.
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Academic Calendar 2006 (new)» » AFFILIATED COLLEGE COURSE INFORMATION» Japanese