Academic Calendar 2006 (new)» » AFFILIATED COLLEGE COURSE INFORMATION» History
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History Courses

History 014, History of Canada and the United States
Description: A survey of the political and social highlights of North American society from 1600 to the present. Only for students registered in the Preliminary Year program.
Antirequisite(s): Grade 12 U (or equivalent) History.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 020E, Modern Europe, 1715 to the Present
Description: Analysis of the evolutionary and revolutionary development of Modern Europe, with intensive treatment of the great landmarks in the formation of Western society and culture.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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History 021E, Totalitarianism
Description: A survey of the totalitarian phenomenon in history with emphasis on twentieth-century totalitarian systems. The course will examine the similarities and differences of Nazis, Communists, and Italian Fascists, both in theory and in practice and with respect to foreign policy as well as domestic affairs.
Antirequisite(s): History 181a/b.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 025E, Canada: A Survey
Description: Examines Canadian experience from the earliest times to the present. Lectures and tutorials stress varied historical interpretations and divergent opinions concerning Canada's growth.
Antirequisite(s): History 143F/G, 231E.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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History 028E, Modern East Asia: A Survey
Description: Analysis of the evolutionary development of modern East Asia. The course focuses primarily on China, Japan and Korea and examines the different paths which these East Asian countries have adopted in modernizing their societies and cultures.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 029E, Major Issues in World History
Description: Designed to provide a broad historical background and to develop analytical skills, this course examines the major themes and ideas underlying the development of modern societies. Among areas of discussion will be the historical significance of migration patterns, cultures in both the east and the west.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
(Huron, King's)
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History 063E, Canada's External Relations, 1860-1990
Description: A study of the most important aspects of Canada's diplomatic, commercial and missionary relations with the international community. Besides probing Canada's relations with the Commonwealth and the United States, the course will include analyses of Canada's relations with international organizations and with Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 130, North America's Wars
Description: A survey of selected armed conflicts within North America from the Spanish Conquest to the 20th Century. Topics may range from declared wars to civil conflicts including organized ethnic, racial, and labor violence. Particular attention will be paid to the impact of armed conflict upon society.
2 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 142, Topics in Canadian Environmental History
Description: Issues in the history of Canadian conservation and environmentalism since 1600. The political, social, ecological, regional, economic, and intellectual factors which have shaped environmental problems are explored. Students are introduced to changing ideas about the interaction of human society with other aspects of the natural world.
2 lecture hours, 1.0 course.
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History 143F/G, Canada Since 1929
Description: A lecture course examining the major political, social, economic and cultural developments in the country in an era of depression, war, prosperity and the welfare state.
Antirequisite(s): History 025E, 233E, 231E, the former History 141.
2 hours, 0.5 course.
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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History 144F/G, Canadian Business and Labor History
Description: The development and effect of business in Canada from the late nineteenth century, with special emphasis on its social impact and the emergence of a Canadian labor movement.
2 hours, 0.5 course.
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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History 147a, Korean Social and Cultural History Before 1900
Description: A social and cultural history of Korea from ancient times to the end of the nineteenth century. Emphasis will be placed on the Three Kingdoms, Silla, Koryo, and Choson periods.
2 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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History 148b, Korean Social and Cultural History Since 1900
Description: A social and cultural history of Korea in the twentieth century. The course will focus on the early 20th century Japanese colonialism, the Korean war, and post war Korea.
2 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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History 150E-159E, Selected Topics in Canadian History
Description: Consult Department for details of current offerings.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 160E-169E, Selected Topics in American History
Description: Consult Department for details of current offerings.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 182a/b, Women in the Work Force 1700-1900
Description: Explores women's experiences in paid labor, pre-industrial and industrial, household, office and professional. Examines women's work during wartime and economic crises. Traces their relationships to unionization and considers the impact of gender issues in the workplace.
2 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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History 186, The Two World Wars
Description: An examination of the causes, course and consequences of the First and Second World Wars, stressing comparison of the two conflicts. Students will be asked to consider a variety of historical analyses of both wars and to study the process of interpretation as well as events.
Antirequisite(s): The former History 026.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 190, Selected Topics
Description: Consult the King's History department for details of current offerings.
2 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 205E, Topics in Canadian Environmental History
Description: Issues in the history of Canadian conservation and environmentalism since 1600. The political, social, ecological, regional, economic and intellectual factors which have shaped environmental problems are explored. Students are introduced to changing ideas about the interaction of human society with other aspects of the natural world.
Antirequisite(s): History 142; History 398F (Specialized Topics: Canadian Environmental History)
2 lecture hours, 1.0 course.
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History 208E, China: Tradition and Transformation
Description: The first term examines central themes in pre-modern Chinese history. The second term covers the modern and contemporary periods, with attention to the role of history and tradition in building the Chinese nation.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 210E, Patterns and Perspectives in World History
Description: The course stresses the interaction over time of major world civilizations. Emphasis is given to historical developments that have influenced more than one civilization or cultural region.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 231E, Canada: Origins to the Present
Description: An examination of the most important aspects of Canada's history from its beginnings to the present.
Antirequisite(s): History 025E, 143F/G, 232E, 233E.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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History 232E, Canada: From the Beginning of the French Regime to Confederation
Description: A survey of Canadian history to 1867. This course provides students in Canadian history with a broad knowledge of the regional particularities which have marked Canadian history from its beginnings. It deals with the main economic, social and political features of pre-Conquest Canada, the Maritime colonies, and of Lower and Upper Canada.
Prerequisite(s): History 025E.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, King's)
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History 233E, Canada: From Confederation to the Present
Description: The course emphasizes the interplay of regional and national factors in Canadian history since 1867, addresses political, social, and economic issues, surveys the regional histories of the Atlantic Provinces, Quebec, Ontario, the Prairie Provinces and British Columbia, and places these regional histories in their national context.
Antirequisite(s): History 143F/G, the former History 141, 231E.
Prerequisite(s): History 025E.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, King's)
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History 234E, The United States, Colonial Period To The Present
Description: Emphasis first term upon the emergence of the American nation, the egalitarian impulse, national expansion and sectional conflict; second term, upon the great transformations of the modern era; the growth of industrialism, big government, a pluralistic society, and international predominance.
Antirequisite(s): History 134E.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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History 236E, Europe And England In The 16th And 17th Centuries
Description: Cultural, social, economic, and political themes including the Protestant and Catholic Reformations; the rise of absolutism; the commercial revolution; heresy, witchcraft, and scepticism; plague and health problems; the origins of modern science; demographic trends; the Puritans; baroque art and music; Cromwell, Gustavus Adolphus, and the creation of the modern army.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
(Huron, King's)
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History 236E, Europe and England in the 16th and 17th Centuries
Description: Cultural, social, economic, and political themes including the Protestant and Catholic Reformations; the rise of absolutism; the commercial revolution; heresy, witchcraft, and scepticism, plague and health problems; the origins of modern science; demographic trends; the Puritans; baroque art and music; Cromwell, Gustavus Adolphus, and the creation of the modern army.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 238E, Latin America
Description: An introduction to Latin America. The first term emphasizes the colonial foundations of Spanish and Portuguese civilization in the New World; the second term emphasizes the growth of the individual republics, personalist rule, federalism vs. centralism, revolution, and the 'static society'.
Antirequisite(s): History 291E if taken at King’s 2004-2005, History 391E if taken at King’s 2003-2004.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 246E, Europe and the Paradoxes of Modernity
Description: This course examines the concept, history, and experience of modernity in Europe from the nineteenth century to the present, paying particular attention to the key economic, political, social and cultural roles of the city.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 255E, Women in History
Description: North Atlantic Society since 1800. A survey of the ideas about women, and their activities, with emphasis on changes in concepts and practices and the effects on societies.
Antirequisite(s): The former History 147E.
3 lecture hours, 1.0 course.
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History 291E-297E, Selected Topics
Description: Consult the History Department for details of current offerings.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
(Huron, King's)
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History 298F/G-299F/G, Specialized Historical Studies
Description: Consult the History Department for details of current offerings.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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History 301E, The Historian's Craft
Description: This course examines the history of the historical profession, varieties of history, where research should start, the nature and limitations of evidence, methods of interpretation, research techniques in specialized areas, and problems of causal explanation.
Antirequisite(s): The former History 480a, 481b.
Prerequisite(s): One previous course in History.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
Restricted to Honors Students
(Huron, King's)
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History 309E, Topics in the History of Women in Canada
Description: Topics include native women's lives at the time of European contact; the frontier experience; "separate spheres" in the British North American context; paid work before and after industrialization; religion, education and social reform; origins and impact of feminist movements.
Antirequisite(s): History 391E, if taken in 1993 94 or 1994 95.
Prerequisite(s): One senior history course.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 316E, Enviromental History of Canada
Description: The historical sutdy of the natural environment, its socio-economic use by various peoples, and changing perceptons of the natural world in what is now Canada, from per-European time to the late twentieth century. Reference will be made to similar processes in North America and elsewhere.
Antirequisite(s): History 398F (Speicalized Topics: Canadian Environmental History)
Prerequisite(s): One previous course in History
2 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour, 1.0 course.
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History 320E, Europe and the Sea, 1400-1945
Description: An examination of the influence of naval and maritime issues on European development. Topics include early exploration, first overseas empires, growth of commercial classes and cities, warship development and professional navies, maritime warfare, navies as first industrial conglomerates, Pax Britannica, impact of steam, iron and oil, new empires of later 19th century, 20th century arms races, the two world wars.
3 lecture/discussion hours, 1.0 course.
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History 322E, The History of Public Violence in Canada
Description: A survey of public violence from the French regime to the present.
Antirequisite(s): History 396, if taken in 1990/91 or 1992/93.
Prerequisite(s): History 025E, or 231E, or 232E, or 233E.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
Limited enrolment.
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History 334E, Foreign Policy of the United States since 1775
Description: A study of the interaction between domestic forces – ideological, political, and economic – and external forces in the development of United States foreign policy.
Prerequisite(s): One senior U.S. history course.
2 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 335E, Britain since 1688
Description: The history of Britain from 1688 to the modern era. Students will discern the roots of modern practices by studying political developments, economic factors, intellectual movements, and social changes in Britain. Through lectures, videos, readings, discussions, presentations and research, students will sharpen their understanding of causation and significance.
Antirequisite(s): The former History 135, 245E.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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History 340E, Colonial British America
Description: Seminars in selected areas from the Elizabethan colonization through the American Revolution.
Antirequisite(s): The former History 454.
Prerequisite(s): One senior U.S. History course.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
Restricted to Honors Students
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History 342E, The Family in the North Atlantic World since 1500
Description: An introduction to changes in family life since 1500 with regard to demography, structure, and emotional content. Topics may include the internal workings of the family and its relationship to other institutions, particularly the state and the public economy; the influence of race, ethnicity, national traditions, religion, class, and changing constructions of masculinity and femininity. The family in Western Europe and North America will be emphasized.
Antirequisite(s): The former History 246E.
Prerequisite(s): One senior history course, or enrollment in third or fourth year of Childhood and Family Relations Honors Specialization.
3 lecture/seminar hours, 1.0 course.
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History 344E, The United States, 1783-1901
Description: The development of the American nation. The framing of the Constitution, the emergence of political parties, the growth of nationalism and sectionalism, the impact of egalitarianism, and the disintegration and restoration of the Union.
Prerequisite(s): One senior U.S. History course.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
Open to students in the three-year program.
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History 346E, France, 1715 to the Present
Description: Examines the development of France from the decline of the old regime to the political and economic transformation after the Second World War. Lectures, book discussion and examination of selected topics in seminars.
Antirequisite(s): The former History 174.
Prerequisite(s): One history course.
3 lecture hours, 1.0 course.
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History 354E, European-Amerindian Relations in Canada
Description: A survey of the interaction between traditional Amerindian institutions and expanding European communities from the sixteenth century to the present. Particular attention will be paid to comparisons of different Indian policies and the varying reactions of the "first peoples".
Prerequisite(s): One history course numbered 200 or above.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
Limited enrolment.
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History 362E, Problems in Canadian Social History
Description: Consult the History Department for details of current offerings.
Antirequisite(s): History 152E.
Prerequisite(s): One Canadian history course.
2 hours, 1.0 course.
Restricted to Honors Students
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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History 364E, Topics in Ontario History
Description: Topics include aspects of the political, social and economic history of the province.
Prerequisite(s): One Canadian history course.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
Restricted to Honors Students
(Huron, King's)
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History 380F/G, African-American History: From the Antebellum Period to the Founding of the NAACP
Description: Traces the history of African Americans through slavery, the Civil War, Reconstruction, segregation and disenfranchisement, debate over the strategies of Booker t. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois, and founding of the NAACP. Lectures, book discussion, and examination of selected topics in seminars.
Prerequisite(s): One senior U.S. history course.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
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History 381F/G, African-American History: From the First Great Migration to the Present
Description: Traces the history of African Americans through the First and Second Great Migrations, Garveyism, the Harlem Renaissance, the Great Depression and World War II, and the civil rights and Black Power movements. Lectures, book discussion, and examination of selected topics in seminars.
Prerequisite(s): One senior U.S. history course.
4 hours, 0.5 course.
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History 382E, American Popular Culture
Description: This course examines the development of American popular culture and its relation to American society. The topics covered include music, literature, radio, movies, sports and television. The course also explores how American popular culture portrayed and was influenced by African Americans, women, youth and other ethnic Americans.
Antirequisite(s): History 391E if taken at King's College in 2001 02 and 2002 03.
Prerequisite(s): History 234E, or permission of the Department.
3 lecture/seminar hours, 1.0 course.
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History 385E, The American South
Description: A thematic examination of the social, economic, political and cultural development of the U.S. South from the colonial era to the present.
Prerequisite(s): One senior American history course.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 391E-397E, Selected Topics
Description: Consult the History Department for details of current offerings.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
Restricted to Honors Students
(Huron, King's)
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History 398F/G-399F/G, Specialized Historical Studies
Description: Consult the History Department for details of current offerings.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
Restricted to Honors Students
(Huron, King's)
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History 401E, Revolutionary and Napoleonic Europe
Description: An examination of the political, social, economic and religious history of France from 1789 to 1815, and the influence of the French Revolution on Europe.
Prerequisite(s): One senior history course.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 402E, Topics in North American Environmental History
Description: Topics include: the relationship between humans and their environment; ideas on conservation and the environment; the science of ecology; and the history of the conservationist and environmental movements.
Prerequisite(s): One senior history course.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 404E, The Automobile and Modern Culture
Description: This seminar course examines the social impact of the automobile and automotive technology from the late nineteenth century to the present. Technology, industrial design, corporate management styles and the rise of popular automotive culture are among the topics to be examined.
Prerequisite(s): One senior history course.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
Restricted to Honors Students.
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History 427E-429E, Selected Topics
Description: Consult Department for details of current offerings.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Department.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 442E, Age of Extremes: Fascism, Communism and Authoritarianism in the Twentieth Century.
Description: This course examines the crimes, terror, and repression caused in the twentieth century by fascist, communist, and authoritarian regimes in various parts of the world. Topics include Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, and non-democratic regimes in post-colonial Asia, Africa and Latin America. Specific themes include the Holocaust, and genocide after 1945.
Antirequisite(s): History 491E if taken at King's College in 2001-02 and 2002-03.
Prerequisite(s): A senior level history course, or permission of the Department.
3 seminar hours, 1.0 course.
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History 444E, The United States in the Twentieth Century
Description: A survey of American history, 1901 to the present, with emphasis upon political, social and economic developments. Intensive examination of selected topics in seminar.
Antirequisite(s): History 162E.
Prerequisite(s): One senior U.S. history course.
2 hours, 1.0 course.
Restricted to Honors Students
(Huron, King's)
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History 451E, The Canadian Elite and its Urban Base
Description: Discussions will concentrate on city growth planning and architecture, evolution of municipal services, problems of urban society, inter-urban rivalry, and business development. Particular attention will be paid to the role of elite groups in urban and commercial development.
Antirequisite(s): The former History 150.
Prerequisite(s): One senior History course.
2 lecture hours, 1.0 course.
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History 457E, Warfare
Description: Selected topics in the history of warfare.
Antirequisite(s): History 497E if taken in 2005-06.
Prerequisite(s): For students in their final year of the honors program.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
This course may be counted as a principal course in the honors Political Science program.
Restricted to Honors Students
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History 461E, Canada and the United States
Description: This course analyses and compares a variety of themes which have been important in the development of both Canadian and American society. It also examines the involved and often difficult relationship of Canada and the United States, with an emphasis on the patterns of political, social, economic and military interaction.
Prerequisite(s): One senior history course.
2 hours, 1.0 course.
Restricted to Honors Students
(Huron, King's)
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History 465F/G, The Black Atlantic: Slavery in the Americas and Africa
Description: This course will examine the issues of slavery and slave societies
within a comparative framework although the main focus of study will be slave systems within Latin America. Themes such as the slave trade, ethnicity, demography, and culture will be explored in order to re-create the context of slave experience.
Prerequisite(s): One senior history course, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 1.0 course
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History 466F/G, Three Worlds Collide: Colonial Latin American Societies
Description: This course will examine the formative issues that shaped the Latin American Colonial worlds. Relations between ethnicities, genders and classes will be explored to trace the creation of Latin American cultures as African, Indigenous and Europeans came together with explosive force.
Prerequisite(s): One senior history course, or permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course
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History 471E, Oral History
Description: An introduction to the techniques and methodology of oral history.
Prerequisite(s): One senior History course or permission of the Department.
2 hours, 1.0 course.
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History 485E, Ethnohistory
Description: Seminar. Selected topics in the history of Amerindian-white relations.
Prerequisite(s): At least one 300 level history course.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
Restricted to Honors Students.
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History 487E, Directed Readings in History
Description: The subject will be selected by students in consultation with an instructor of their choice willing to give the course. This course will normally be open only to fourth-year honors students who have achieved an average of at least 80% in their third-year history courses.
Restricted to Honors Students.
1.0 course.
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History 490E, Senior Thesis
Description: This course will normally be open only to fourth-year honors students who have achieved an average of at least 80% in their third-year history courses.
Restricted to Honors Students.
1.0 course.
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History 491E, Selected Topics
Description: Consult Department for details of current offerings.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Department.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
Restricted to Honors Students.
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History 492E-497E, Selected Topics
Description: Consult Department for details of current offerings.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
Restricted to Honors Students
(Huron, King's)
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History 498F/G-499F/G, Specialized Historical Studies
Description: Consult Department for details of current offerings.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Department.
3 hours, 0.5 course.
Restricted to Honors Students
(Huron, King's)
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Academic Calendar 2006 (new)» » AFFILIATED COLLEGE COURSE INFORMATION» History