Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission to the second year of the Combined Honors program in MIT and Geography, a student must meet the minimum requirements for both participating programs. For the MIT portion of the degree, a student must achieve a minimum overall weighted average of 75.0% in 5.0 full-course equivalents numbered 001-099, with no unsatisfactory attempts.

The selection process for admission to second year of the Honors program in MIT and Geography is based on a student carrying a full course load, including the MIT and Geography first-year prerequisites. Eligibility is determined by a student's overall weighted average obtained at the end of the academic year. In cases where the number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces, admission will be competitive. Attainment of the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

Progression Requirements

To progress in the MIT portion of the program, a student must achieve a minimum overall weighted average of 72.0% in the MIT courses taken in each academic session, with no unsatisfactory attempts. If no MIT courses are taken in an academic session, a student must achieve the progression requirements for Geography.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate with a four-year BA Honors in MIT and Geography, a student must meet the graduation requirements for both programs. For the MIT portion of the degree, a student must achieve a minimum overall weighted average of 72.0% in the senior courses counted towards the degree, with no unsatisfactory attempts.

First Year

· 5.0 courses from 001-099, including Computer Science 031a/b, Media, Information and Technoculture 025a/b and Media, Information and Technoculture 026a/b and Geography 020E. A first year program must also include at least one course from two of the Faculties of Arts, Science and Social Science. Courses should be selected from at least four different subject areas with no more than two courses in the same subject area.

After first year, a student must complete 6.0 full-course equivalents from each of the participating programs and 3.0 full-course electives. Students in the four-year Combined Honors BA in MIT and Geography may count up to 1.5 full-course equivalents from a list of approved alternates towards the MIT elective requirements. Students should consult the list of approved alternates in the section that follows MIT program information. The distribution of MIT and Geography courses is as follows:

Second Year

Geography 201a/b, 242a/b, 280a/b

One of: Geography 208a/b, 213a/b, 214a/b, 216a/b, 220a/b, 235F/G, 270a/b, 277F/G

Writing 121F/G

1.5 full-course equivalents from: Media, Information and Technoculture 204F/G or 201F/G, 202F/G, 203a/b

1.0 full-course equivalent elective

Third Year

One of: Geography 237a/b and Media, Information and Technoculture 301a/b (mandatory in third year)

Geography 301a/band Geography 343y (mandatory in third year)

1.0 geography full-course equivalent at the 200- or 300-level

Media, Information and Technoculture 302F/G

1.0 MIT full-course equivalent electives

1.0 full-course equivalent elective

Fourth Year

Geography 448a/b

1.5 Geography full-course equivalents at the 300 or 400 level

MIT 404A/B

1.5 MIT full-course equivalents at the 200-499 level

1.0 full-course equivalent elective


  1. Only one of Geography 490E or Media, Information and Technoculture 444E will contribute towards degree requirements.
  2. Students may take either Media, Information and Technoculture 245a/b or Geography 237a/b, but not both.

Progression and Graduation requirements for the MIT portion of the BA Honors MIT and Geography program are the same as those for other Combined Honors programs in MIT and another subject.

Alternate Courses

In addition to a selection of MIT required courses and MIT electives, students have the option of substituting approved alternate courses from the Faculties of Arts and Social Science that examine issues relevant to media and information studies from the perspective of another discipline. BA Honors MIT students may count up to 3.5 full-course equivalent alternates towards their MIT elective requirements. Approved alternate courses to be used in place of MIT electives may be chosen from the list below:

Administrative and Commercial Studies 280F/G
English 201F/G, 282F/G.
History 404E, 411E
Linguistics 287F/G
Music 265a/b
Philosophy 222a/b
Political Science 222E (Huron)
Religious Studies 221F/G (King's)
Sociology 461F/G
VAS 250, 252a/b, 254a/b
VAH 283E
Writing 121F/G, 202F/G, 203F/G, 205F/G, 207F/G, 209F/G
Note: It may be possible for MIT students to count the following courses in Film Studies towards their MIT elective requirements. Students should be aware that priority in registering for these courses goes to Film Studies students: Film Studies 251E, 255E, 256F/G, 257F/G, 270F/G, the former Film Studies 271F/G or 272F/G, 275F/G
Courses may not be offered every year and certain registration constraints may be in place. Students are responsible for ensuring that they have the prerequisites for alternate courses. Some departments may offer additional courses related to the MIT program. Students are welcome to supply a course syllabus and formal request in writing to the Undergraduate Academic Advisor in FIMS to count such courses towards their MIT program requirements. Students interested in more information on alternate courses should contact the departments directly.

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