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Psychology Courses

Psychology 020, Introduction to Psychology
Description: An introductory survey of the methods and findings of modern scientific psychology. The following topics will be covered: history and methodology, biological psychology, sensation and perception, learning and motivation, verbal and cognitive processes, developmental psychology, social psychology, individual differences (intelligence and personality), and clinical psychology.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 022E, Psychology 023.
3 lecture hours, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, King's)
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Psychology 022E, Method in General Psychology
Description: An introduction to method and content in psychology. The content areas covered include physiological psychology, perception, learning and motivation, memory and cognition, developmental psychology, individual differences, personality, social psychology, and applied psychology. Method is studied through direct experience with research design and the collection, statistical treatment and reporting of data.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 020, Psychology 023, the former 100.
2 lecture hours, 1 laboratory hour, 1.0 course.
Note: Normally, a prerequisite for senior courses at Huron College.
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Psychology 110a/b, Altered States of Consciousness
Description: A survey of altered states of consciousness such as sleep, dreaming, hypnosis, drug-induced states, meditation and near-death experiences considered from a phenomenological perspective.
2 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 112F/G, Psychology and Diversity
Description: An analysis of major forms of human diversity and the ways that people respond to diversity. Topics include sources of differences, origins and forms of prejudice based on differences, the experience of being a target of prejudice, and techniques for promoting respect for diversity.
3 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 120a/b, Addictive Behaviors
Description: Overview of addictive behaviors and issues concerning addiction. Addictive aspects of drug use, gambling, eating, exercise, sex, playing video games, and Internet use will be considered as well as psychological research, explanations for, and treatment of addictive behaviours.
3 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 126a/b, Drugs and Behavior
Description: Survey of the major drugs of abuse used to treat psychopathological disorders including a brief section on methods of administration, drug distribution and elimination, neurotransmitters. The history and patterns of use and abuse, clinic indications, neurochemical bases for action for a variety of licit and illicit drugs.
Antirequisite(s): The former psychology 383F/G, 452F/G.
3 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 131a/b, Psychology and Law
Description: This course provides an overview of theory and research in the field of psychology and law. Basic and applied research in cognitive, developmental, clinical, and social psychology is related to legal issues, such as eyewitness memory, face identification, polygraph testing, child witnesses, and jury decision-making.
3 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 140, Child Development
Description: A survey of theory and research in developmental psychology including learning, cognition, perception, personality, and social development in infancy and childhood.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 240a/b, the former Psychology 241, or 341E.
3 lecture hours, 1.0 course.
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Psychology 141, The Exceptional Child
Description: A study of the etiology, identification, training and/or treatment of the exceptional child. Emphasis will be given to the gifted, creative, mentally retarded, physically disabled and emotionally disturbed child.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 142a/b, Psychology 143a/b, Psychology 334E, Psychology 364F/G.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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Psychology 150, Human Adjustment
Description: Theories of human adjustment and maladjustment will be considered. Major approaches to understanding personality such as psychoanalytic, humanistic, and social learning will be discussed. The various forms of maladjusted behavior will be surveyed and explanatory models for such behavior examined.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 154a/b, Psychology 155a/b, Psychology 254G, Psychology 255a/b, and Psychology 257E, the former 253E.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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Psychology 153, Human Sexuality
Description: A survey of psychological study of human sexual behavior. Topics include history, methodology, theory, anatomy, physiology, attraction, sexual function, sexual orientation, contraception, conception and birth, sexual health, sexual coercion, and pornography.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 191a/b or 192a/b if taken on main campus during 1979-80.
3 lecture hours, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, King's)
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Psychology 164, The Psychology of People, Work and Organizations
Description: An introduction to the study and practice of industrial/organizational psychology with emphasis on personnel selection, performance appraisal, work related attitudes, work motivation, organizational processes and leadership.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 266a/b, the former Psychology 146, 160, 262a/263b, 264, 265E.
3 lecture hours, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, King's)
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Psychology 170, Social Psychology
Description: An introduction to the theories, methods, findings, and problems encountered in the study of people as social beings.
Antirequisite(s): the former Psychology 270F/G, Psychology 275E, and the former Psychology 172, 271.
3 hours, 1.0 course.
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Psychology 191a/b, Special Topics in Psychology
Description: Selected topics of current interest in Psychology. Topic available in Department.
3 lecture/seminar hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 192a/b, Special Topics in Psychology
Description: Selected topics of current interest in Psychology. Topic available in Department.
3 lecture/seminar hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 205a/b, Introduction to Learning
Description: An introduction to the fundamental phenomena and theories of classical and instrumental conditioning with an emphasis on animal learning.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 208E and the former 201F or 210E.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020-level Psychology course.
4 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 208E, Method and Theory in Learning and Motivation
Description: A research oriented course with emphasis on the methodology. Operant conditioning with animals and motivation with animals and humans will be emphasized in lectures and laboratory work. Independent research is required.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 205a/b, the former Psychology 306F/G, Psychology 309F/G, or the former Psychology 201F, 209G, 210.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in Psychology 022E. Other introductory psychology courses may be substituted with the permission of the Department.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 1.0 course.
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Psychology 214F/G, Ethics in Psychology
Description: This course will introduce concepts of ethics and cover different professional and research ethics guidelines, with more in-depth study of particular and current controversies. Topics may include research in human genetics, animal research and concept of animal rights, professional relationships, and psychometry and reporting of test results.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020-level Psychology course.
4 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 215a/b, Introduction to Sensation and Perception.
Description: An introduction to the study of the human senses and higher order perceptual processes. Data gathered from psychophysical research and studies of the nervous system in both humans and other animals will be discussed. The course will review the mechanisms and principles of operation of vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 115a/b, the former Psychology 212a/b, 213a/b, 211E.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
4 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 221a/b, Introduction to Biological Basis of Behavior
Description: An introduction to the principles of evolutionary biology, genetics, and physiology in relation to behavior. This course is intended as an introduction to the biological basis of behavior for students who do not have a background in biology.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 223a/b.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020-level Psychology course.
3 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
Note: Effective 1991, Psychology 221a/b at Brescia or Main Campus no longer serves as a prerequisite for Psychology 322F/G on Main Campus. Students wishing to take Psychology 322F/G are advised to take 223a/b on Main Campus.
(Brescia, Huron)
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Psychology 227E, Method and Theory in Cognition
Description: An Introduction to method and theory in the study of human cognitive processes. Topics covered may include: perception, attention, memory, concept formation, language, thinking, problem solving, and comparative cognition. The course will involve both theory and hands-on experience with the research methods used by cognitive psychologists.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 235a/b.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in Psychology 022E. Other introductory Psychology courses may be substituted with the permission of the Department.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 1.0 course.
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Psychology 228E, Special Topics in Psychology
Description: selected topics of interest in Psychology. Topic available in Department.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in Psychology 022E. Other introductory Psychology courses may be substituted with the permission of the Department.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 1.0 course.
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Psychology 229F/G, Special Topics in Psychology
Description: selected topics of interest in Psychology. Topic available in Department.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in Psychology 022E. Other introductory Psychology courses may be substituted with the permission of the Department.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 235a/b, Introduction to Cognition
Description: An introduction to empirical, computational, and theoretical approaches to the study of human cognitive processes. The topics surveyed will include: perception, attention, memory, concepts, language and problem-solving. The course will show how these diverse psychological processes are related to and influence one another.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 130a/b, Psychology 227E and the former Psychology 239E.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
4 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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Psychology 240a/b, Introduction to Developmental Psychology
Description: A survey of theory and research in developmental psychology including: learning, cognition, perception, personality, and social development in infancy and childhood.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 140, Psychology 241E, and the former 241.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
3 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
(Brescia, King's)
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Psychology 241E, Developmental Psychology: Basic Principles
Description: A survey of theory and research in developmental psychology, including: learning, cognition, perception, personality, and social development in infancy and childhood.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 140, Psychology 240a/b, the former 241.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in Psychology 022E.
Other introductory Psychology courses may be substituted with the permission of the department.
4 lecture/demonstration hours, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, Huron)
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Psychology 255a/b, Introduction to Personality Theory and Research
Description: A survey of the history, methodology and content of the study of individual differences. Topics to be covered include: evaluation of typical personality assessment methods and a consideration of modern empirical research in personality theory and assessment.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 150, the former Psychology 251E, the former Psychology 253E, Psychology 257E.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
4 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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Psychology 260a/b, Introduction to Clinical Psychology
Description: This course offers a survey of major topics in clinical psychology, including assessment and intervention approaches; experimental psychopathology; ethical, professional and theoretical issues; and emerging trends.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
4 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
(Brescia, King's)
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Psychology 261F/G, Introduction to Educational Psychology
Description: Survey of psychological research and theory in terms of their implications for educational practice. Topics will include learning, motivation, development, problem-solving, individual differences, teacher effectiveness, and assessment.
Antirequisite(s): The former Psychology 146, 160, 265E.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
4 hours lecture/discussion, 0.5 course.
(Brescia, King's)
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Psychology 262a/b, Introduction to Educational Psychology
Description: Survey of psychological research and theory in terms of their implications for educational practice. Topics will include learning, motivation, development, problem-solving, individual differences, teacher effectiveness, and assessment.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 261F/G, or the former Psycholgy 265E, 146, 160.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
2 lecture hours, 2 tutorial hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 266a/b, Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Description: An introduction to the theories, methods, findings and applications of industrial and organizational psychology. Topics to be covered include: personnel recruitment and selection, employee training and development, performance appraisal, work attitudes and motivation, leadership and group processes, and organizational design.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 164, 265E, and the former 146, 160, 262a/b, 264.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
3 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 270F/G, Introduction to Social Psychology
Description: An introduction to the theories, methods, findings, and problems encountered in the study of people as social beings. Emphasis will be placed on experimental research, conducted both in the laboratory and in the field. Content areas include attitudes and social cognition, social interaction and influence, group processes and applications of social psychology.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 170, 171a/b, 272a/b, 275E or the former 172, 271.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
2 lecture hours, 2 tutorial hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 272a/b, Introduction to Social Psychology
Description: An introduction to the theories, methods, findings, and problems encountered in the study of people as social beings. Emphasis will be placed on experimental research, conducted both in the laboratory and in the field. Content areas include attitudes and social cognition, social interaction and influence, group processes and applications of social psychology.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 171a/b, the former Psychology 170, 172, 270F/G, 271 or Psychology 275E.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
2 lecture hours, 2 tutorial hours, 0.5 course.
(Brescia, King's)
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Psychology 275E, Selected Basic Problems in Social Psychology
Description: A research oriented course in social psychology offering concentration in the methods and content of two major areas of social psychology, small group structure and functioning, and the measurement, change, and development of social attitudes.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 170, the former Psychology 270F/G, Psychology 370F/G or the former 271.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in Psychology 022E. Other introductory psychology courses may be substituted with the permission of the Department.
3 lecture hours, 1 hour to be assigned by the instructor, 1.0 course.
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Psychology 280E, Research Methods in Psychology
Description: Using selected examples, this course will introduce students to the variety of ways to conduct research in Psychology. Topics to be covered include: the scientific approach; ethical issues in human and animal research; designing, running, analyzing and writing up a research project; experimental, observational and correlational research strategies.
Antirequisite(s): The former Administrative Studies 285, Psychology 282E, Psychology 284F/G 2.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 1.0 course.
Note: Psychology 280E is a mandatory course for students taking an Honors program in Psychology and replaces the laboratory requirement formerly fulfilled by Psychology 210E, 211E, 221a/222G , 233E, 239E.
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Psychology 281, Statistics for Psychology
Description: An introduction to experimental design and statistical analysis of data, with special reference to research in psychology.
Antirequisite(s): All other University level statistics courses at the 100 level or above, including Psychology 282E, Psychology 283a, Psychology 284F/G.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course plus one full course in mathematics. To fulfill the mathematics requirement, you must complete a full course equivalent by taking Mathematics 030 or 031 (Mathematics 031 is preferred) or the former Mathematics 027, the former Applied Mathematics 020, or 023a/b plus 024a/b, or by taking two half courses from among the following courses: Mathematics 012a/b or 017a/b, 028a/b, Calculus 050a/b, 051a/b, 081a/b, 091a/b, Linear Algebra 040a/b, Statistical Sciences 024a/b. If either Mathematics 012a/b or 017a/b is selected, then either Statistical Sciences 024a/b or Mathematics 028a/b must be taken. The combination of Mathematics 028a/b and Statistical Sciences 024a/b is strongly recommended.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 1.0 course.
Note: Psychology 281 is a mandatory course for students taking an Honors program in Psychology. Students may substitute one of the antirequisites for Psychology 281 only in rare cases, and only with written permission of the Department.
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Psychology 282E, Research Methods and Statistical Analysis in Psychology
Description: An introduction to the design, conduct, and statistical analyses of psychological research. The intent is to provide students with knowledge of how to implement and evaluate research in both laboratory and applied settings. Design and statistical analysis will be taught in the context of specific studies and data sets from correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental and qualitative research. Written research projects will be required.
Antirequisite(s): All other University level statistics courses at the 100 level or above including Psychology 280E, 281 and 283a and 284F/G.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course plus one full course in mathematics. To fulfill the mathematics requirement, you must complete a full course equivalent by taking Mathematics 030 or 031 (Mathematics 031 is preferred) or the former Mathematics 027, the former Applied Mathematics 020, or 023a/b plus 024a/b, or by taking two half courses from among the following courses: Mathematics 012a/b or 017a/b, 028a/b, Calculus 050a/b, 051a/b, 081a/b, 091a/b, Linear Algebra 040a/b, Statistical Sciences 024a/b. If either Mathematics 012a/b or 017a/b is selected, then either Statistical Sciences 024a/b or Mathematics 028a/b must be taken. The combination of Mathematics 028a/b and Statistical Sciences 024a/b is strongly recommended.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory/tutorial hours, 1.0 course.
Note: Psychology-282E is a mandatory course for students taking an area of concentration in Psychology.
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Psychology 283a, Research in Psychology
Description: An advanced treatment of the collection, analysis and interpretation of behavioral data, reviewing and extending the topics covered in Psychology 022E; problems in the design and conduct of studies and experiments, operational definitions, experimental control and recording of behavior; statistical treatment of data, including descriptive and inferential statistics.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 281 or the former 283y.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in Psychology 022E.
4 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 284F/G, Research in Psychology
Description: This course is an introduction to basic issues in psychological research. Topics covered include issues in observation and measurement, ethics, and basic issues involved in doing both nonexperimental and experimental research.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 280E, Psychology 282E, the former Psychology 284a/b and The former Administrative Studies 285.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 285, Psychological Measurement and Statistics
Description: This course is designed to introduce students to psychological statistics and measurement. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability, correlation, and an introduction to inferential statistics. Also included will be issues related to psychological testing, norms, reliability, validity, and test development as a foundation for understanding psychological testing and research.
Antirequisite(s): All university level statistics courses numbered 100 or above, including Psychology 281, 282E, 283a/b.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level course in Psychology.
1.0 course.
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Psychology 290a/b, Applications of Psychology
Description: The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with some of the ways in which psychological evidence and techniques can be applied to the practice of law, business, education, health sciences, etc.
Prerequisite(s): At least 60% in a 020 level Psychology course.
3 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 304G, Human Learning. Behavior Modification
Description: This is a course in the modification of human behavior in the home, school and institution. Emphasis is on methodology and a sound knowledge of operant techniques is mandatory. Topical readings will be discussed in seminars and practical experience will be offered when possible.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 206G, the former Psychology 204G.
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 208E or Psychology 205a/b. May be taken concurrently with Psychology 208E or Psychology 205a/b.
2 seminar hours, 2 hours to be assigned by the instructor, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 307F/G, Psychology of Creativity
Description: Origins of imaginative thinking; perceptions, emotions, memory, language and symbolic expressions in creative processes; child's intellectual functions and creative potential; psychopathology and creativity; theories of psychology of art; assessing creative thinking; criterion and prediction studies; creativity in special fields and settings; scientific and artistic creativity.
Antirequisite(s): The former Psychology 333E.
Prerequisite(s): Any 200 level Psychology full or half course.
3 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 309F/G, Neuroscience of Motivation and Emotion
Description: An examination of motivation and emotion from a variety of perspectives. Biological, cognitive, developmental, evolutionary, physiological and social approaches to motivation and emotion may be considered.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 208E.
Prerequisite(s): One half Psychology course from the series numbered 200-279 and registration in third or fourth year of Psychology program. Special Students who receive 70% in the prerequisite course(s) may enrol in this course.
3 lecture/discussion hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 313a/b, Fundamentals of Forensic Psychology
Description: This course introduces students to central issues in the area of forensic psychology, including recent theoretical and research developments. Topics may include detecting deception, eyewitness testimony, police selection and training, investigative interviewing, jury selection and decision-making, offender profiling, special populations (e.g., psychopathy, domestic violence), and fitness to stand trial.
Prerequisite(s): at least 60% in Psychology 020 and registration in third or fourth year of a Major, Specialization or Honors Specialization in Psychology, or permission of instructor.
3 lecture/discussion hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 320F/G, Altered States of Consciousness: Selected Topics
Description: Selected topics in altered states of consciousness. Topics may include physiology, psychopathology, effects on experiments, the ontological status of perceptions during altered states of consciousness, dreams, dissociative states, drug-induced states, and experiences associated with death.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in the third or fourth year of a Major, Specialization, or Honors Specialization in Psychology.
3 hours, 0.5 course
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Psychology 334E, The Exceptional Child
Description: The course covers major areas of exceptionality, such as above-and below-average intelligence, various physical disabilities, learning disabilities, and social and emotional disturbances. The etiology, diagnosis and management of exceptionality are examined.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 141, the former Psychology 340, 342.
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 241E or 240a/b or permission of the Department.
2 lecture hours, 2hours to be assigned by the instructor, 1.0 course.
(Brescia, Huron)
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Psychology 351, Abnormal Psychology
Description: An introduction to psychopathology. General principles such as description and classification, development and dynamics, causation, evaluation, treatment, research design. Application of these principles to the analysis of the main syndromes of abnormal behavior.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 150, Psychology 350F/G, and Psychology 364F/G.
Prerequisite(s): At least 70% in any 1.0 or 0.5 course in Psychology at the 200 level.
4 lecture/discussion hours, 1.0 course.
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Psychology 352F/G, Health Psychology
Description: This course will focus on the scientific and professional contributions of the discipline of psychology to the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention and treatment of illness, and the identification of etiologic correlates of health, illness, and related dysfunction.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 152a/b and Psychology 369b if taken on main campus during 1989-90 or 1990-91.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in third or fourth year of Honors Psychology.
3 lecture/discussion hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 353F/G, The Psychology of Social Influence
Description: A review of psychological theory and research relating to the interplay of influence, direct behavior change phenomena, persuasion-based and behavior-based attitude change, the influence of mood states, hypnosis, cognitive processes in influence, and resisting influence.
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 270F/G, 272a/b, or 275E or the former 271 and registration in third or fourth year of Honors Specialization Psychology or Old Honors Psychology Program at Kings.
2 lecture hours, 2 seminar hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 356F/G, Research in Personality Assessment
Description: Addresses reliability and validity issues as well as several contemporary topics in assessment such as multitrait-multimethod analysis, personality testing in personnel selection, and control of dissimulation or "faking" of personality test responses. The course includes a hands-on research component.
Antirequisite(s): The former Psychology 251E if taken at Huron University College.
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 281 and registration in third or fourth year of Honors Psychology.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 0.5 course.
Note: Third or fourth year Honors Psychology Students who receive a 70% in Psychology 282E may enrol in this course. Other Psychology students and Special Students who receive 70% in Psychology 282E or Psychology 281 may also enrol in this course.
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Psychology 359F/G, Development During Infancy
Description: This seminar course will investigate the processes of development and major developmental milestones that occur during the first year of life, with an emphasis on developmental theories and empirical findings from the literature. Topics covered include: physical development, perceptual development, cognitive development, language development and social development.
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 241E and registration in third or fourth year of Honors Psychology, or permission of the department.
4 lecture/seminar hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 366E, Therapeutic Counselling
Description: Professional counselling and psychotherapy; various processes and techniques of therapeutic counselling; special relationship problems; transference, resistance; interpretation techniques and group counselling; special areas of application of sychotherapeutic counselling: marriage, family, human relations in education and in industry, counselling and problems of values.
Antirequisite(s): The former Psychology 252E.
Prerequisite(s): One of: Psychology 255a/b, 257E, 351, the former Psychology 251E, or permission of the Department.
3 lecture hours, 1 tutorial hour, 1.0 course.
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Psychology 372F/G, The Psychology of Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior
Description: The course will consider the social, situational and personality factors responsible for the occurrence of antisocial behaviors such as violence and aggression, and of prosocial behaviors such as helping others in disaster or crisis situations.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in third or fourth year of Honors Psychology or permission of the Department.
3 lecture/discussion hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 373F/G, The Psychology of Persuasion
Description: An examination of social, psychological theories and research relating to attitude formation and change. Both persuasion of others and self-persuasion will be considered. Specific topics to be covered include the effects of fear appeals, race relations and prejudice, mass media, communications, advertising, and sex role stereotypes.
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 270F/G, 272a/b or 275E, or the former Psychology 271.
3 lecture/discussion hours, 0.5 course.
(Brescia, Huron)
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Psychology 375F/G, Psychology of Religion
Description: An examination of selected topics in the psychology of religion.
Antirequisite(s): The former Psychology 252, 303F/G.
Prerequisite(s): At least 70% in any 200 level psychology half or full course.
3 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 376F/G, Humanistic Psychology
Description: An examination of meaning, authenticity and self-transformation from humanistic and transpersonal perspectives. Implications for personal growth, counselling and global concerns.
Antirequisite(s): The former Psychology 250E, 305F/G.
Prerequisite(s): At least 70% in any 200 level psychology half or full course.
3 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 377F/G, Consciousness
Description: Survey of contemporary issues in consciousness studies considered from a phenomenological perspective.
Antirequisite(s): The former Psychology 258, 310F/G.
Prerequisite(s): At least 70% in any 200 level psychology half or full course.
3 lecture hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 378a/b, Special Topics in Social Psychology
Description: Selected topics of current interest in Social Psychology. Topic available in Department.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in third or fourth year of Honors Psychology Program, or permission of the Department.
3 seminar hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 380F/G, Psychological Statistics Using Computers
Description: This course covers most statistical procedures used in psychological research, and the use and interpretation of SPSS for Windows. Topics covered include the t test, various forms of analysis of variance, chi-square, bivariate and multiple regression and correlation, factor analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, and Monte Carlo methods.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 381F/G or the former Psychology 381E.
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 281 or 285, Psychology 280E and registration in third or fourth year of the Honors Psychology program or permission of the department.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 0.5 course.
Note: Psychology 380F/G is a mandatory course for students taking an Honors Specialization in Psychology at Brescia. Priority in enrolment will thus be given to Brescia University College Honors Specialization students.
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Psychology 381F/G, Computers and Research in Psychology
Description: Topics include: fundamentals of operating microcomputers, use of statistical packages (e.g., SPSS/PC+), interpretation of computer output from univariate and multivariate statistical analyses.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 380F/G or the former Psychology 381E.
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 283a and registration in honors psychology or permission of the Department.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 383E, Special Topics in Psychology
Description: Selected topics of current interest in Psychology. Topic available in Department.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in third or fourth year of Honors Psychology Program, or permission of the Department.
3 seminar hours, 1.0 course.
(Huron, King's)
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Psychology 384F/G, Special Topics in Psychology
Description: Selected topics of current interest in Psychology. Topic available in Department.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in third or fourth year Honors Psychology Program or permission of Department.
3 seminar hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 385F/G, History of Psychology
Description: A study of persistent problems in the history of psychology and an introduction to traditional systems in psychology.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 393 F/G (King's) and the former Psychology 482E.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in third or fourth year of a Psychology program or permission of Department.
4 lecture/discussion hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 388F/G, Special Topics in Psychology
Description: Selected topics of current interest in Psychology. Topic available in Department.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in third or fourth year of Honours Psychology Programme or permission of Department.
3 seminar hours, 0.5 course
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Psychology 389F/G, Special Topics in Psychology
Description: See Psychology 388F/G.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in third or fourth year of Honours Psychology or permission of Department.
3 seminar hours, 0.5 course
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Psychology 391F/G, Experimental Research Methods and Analysis
Description: Examination of methods and data analyses in experimental research in psychology. Topics may include theory, hypothesis generation, sampling, manipulation, measurement, data analysis, generalizability and the use of computers for stimulus presentation, data collection and data analysis.
Prerequisite(s): Third year honors psychology status or an overall average of 70% in Mathematics 028a/b, Statistical Sciences 024a/b, and Psychology 284F/G with no mark less than 60%.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 392F/G, Correlational and Multivariate Research Methods and Analysis
Description: Examination of methods and data analyses in non-experimental research in psychology. Topics may include inference of causality, measurement of association, partial correlation, simple and multiple linear regression, interactions and non-linear effects in regression analyses, test construction, reliability, factor analyses, quasi-experimental designs, longitudinal research and the use of computers in non-experimental data analyses.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 380F/G and Psychology 381F/G.
Prerequisite(s): Third year honors psychology status or an overall average of 70% in Mathematics 028a/b, Statistical Sciences 024a/b, and Psychology 284F/G with no mark less than 60%.
2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 393F/G, Theory in Psychology
Description: An examination of theoretical approaches and major systems in psychology. In addition to examining the content of a variety of theories in psychology, this course will emphasize the role of theory in general as part of the scientific process.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 385F/G, and 294F/G.
Prerequisite(s): Third year honors psychology status or registration in third year psychology with a minimum average of 70% in all courses taken with no mark in any course less than 60%.
2 lecture hours, 2 seminar hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 395F/G, Special Topics in Educational Psychology
Description: This course will cover selected topics of current interest in Educational Psychology. Both research and theory in this field will be discussed, and their implications for educational practice. The course will build upon topics covered in the introductory course (261F/G or 262a/b), such as learning, development, teaching styles, and effectiveness and assessment.
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 261F/G or Psychology 262a/b, and registration in third or fourth year of Psychology program or special permission of Department.
3 lecture/discussion hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 398F, Independent Study
Description: Individual reading and research at an advanced level under faculty supervision. Students are responsible for arranging independent study credit with an individual faculty member of their choice.
Prerequisite(s): Written permission of instructor and Department of Psychology and an "A" average the previous year.
0.5 course.
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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Psychology 399G, Independent Study
Description: Individual reading and research at an advanced level under faculty supervision. Students are responsible for arranging independent study credit with an individual faculty member of their choice.
Prerequisite(s): Written permission of instructor and Department and an "A" average the previous year.
0.5 course.
(Brescia, Huron, King's)
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Psychology 409E, Honors Thesis
Description: Independent research under the direction of a faculty member.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 485E.
Prerequisite(s): Fourth year of the Honors Psychology status.
4 seminar hours, 1.0 course.
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Psychology 442E, Honors Thesis
Description: Independent research under the direction of a faculty member.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 485E and the former Psychology 459.
Prerequisite(s): Psychology 380F/G and registration in 4th year of Honors Psychology or the Honors Specialization module at Brescia University College.
1.0 course.
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Psychology 477F/G, Special Topics in Psychology
Description: Selected topics of current interest in Psychology. Topics available in Department of Social Sciences.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in fourth year of Psychology program.
3 seminar hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 488F/G, Special Topics in Psychology
Description: Selected topics of current interest in Psychology. Topic available in Department.
Prerequisite(s): Fourth year honors Psychology status.
3 seminar hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 489F/G, Special Topics in Psychology
Description: Selected topics of current interest in Psychology. Topic available in Department.
Prerequisite(s): Fourth year honors Psychology status.
3 seminar hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 491E, Honors Thesis
Description: Independent Research under the direction of a faculty member.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 485E, 495E.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in the fourth year of the Honors Specialization or the Old Honors Psychology Program at Kings.
4 seminar hours, 1.0 course.
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Psychology 492F/G, Practicum
Description: Practical psychology-related experience in selected community settings and seminar to facilitate integration of psychological knowledge into practice.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in fourth year honors psychology at Kings College.
4 field placement hours, 2 seminar hours, 0.5 course.
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Psychology 495E, Honors Thesis
Description: Independent research under the direction of a faculty member.
Antirequisite(s): Psychology 485E and the former Psychology 459.
Prerequisite(s): Registration in the fourth year of the Honors Psychology Program at Huron College.
1.0 course.
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Academic Calendar 2006 (new)» » AFFILIATED COLLEGE COURSE INFORMATION» Psychology