Approved Combinations: Anthropology, Classical Studies, Comparative Literature and Culture, English, Film Studies, French, German, Greek, History, Latin, Linguistics, Media, Information and Technoculture, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies, Russian, Sociology, Spanish, or Women's Studies.
First Year
VAS 020 or the former Visual Arts 020, and VAH 040 or the former Visual Arts 040.
Second and Third Years
Two full-course equivalents from: VAS 200, 210, 220, 230, 250, 204a/b, 212a/b, 214a/b, 216a/b, 222a/b, 224a/b, 226a/b, 232a/b, 234a/b, 236a/b, 244a/b, 252a/b, 254a/b, 256a/b, 258a/b, 274a/b, 275a/b One of: VAH 247E, 249E, 251E, 253E, 256E, 258E, 261E, 266E, 270E, 276E, 277E, 278E, 283E
Fourth Year
* One full-course equivalent VAH or VAS course at the 400-level * In addition, two VAH or VAS full-course equivalents at the 200-, 300-, or 400-level not already taken to meet the above requirements must be taken after the first year.
For students who want to focus the Visual Arts component of their Combined Honors program exclusively on Visual Arts History, only VAH 040 is required in the first year, and the two full-course equivalents from the VAS 200-level series can be replaced by two full-course equivalents from the VAH 200-level and 300-level series. Any student transferring from one of the three Honors Visual Arts programs or Combined Honors Visual Arts program into any other degree program in the Faculties of Arts, Health Sciences, Information and Media Studies, Science, or Social Science must complete the normal first year requirements.