The University is a full member of: THE ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES OF CANADA THE ASSOCIATION OF COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITIES THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITIES | NOTICE The Senate and the Board of Governors of The University of Western Ontario reserve the right to make changes to the information contained in this Calendar without prior notice.
ADDRESSES Western students must inform the Registrar's Office of their current home address. Should students fail to maintain their current address the University may seek such information from sources outside the University. NAME CHANGES As the University is committed to the integrity of its student records, each student is required to provide either on application for admission or on personal data forms required for registration, his/her complete, legal name. Any requests to change a name, by means of alteration, deletion, substitution or addition, must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation. COLLECTION, USE AND DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION Personal information collected by The University of Western Ontario is used by University officials in order to carry out their authorized academic and administrative responsibilities and also to establish a relationship for alumni and development purposes. Certain personal information is disclosed to external agencies, including the Ontario Universities Application Centre, the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, and Statistics Canada, for statistical and planning purposes, and is disclosed to other individuals or organizations in accordance with the University's Official Student Record Information Privacy Policy at http://www.uwo.ca/univsec/handbook/general/privacy.pdf. For further information please consult the online versin of the Academic Calendar at www.registrar.uwo.ca.
Please note that general information about Western and specific details concerning academic programs may be accessed on the World Wide Web. The Home Page for the Registrar's Office is located at: http://www.registrar.uwo.ca
