Approved Combinations: Anthropology, Classical Studies, Comparative Literature and Culture, English, Film Studies, French, Geography, German, Greek, History, Latin, Linguistics, Media, Information and Technoculture, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies, Russian, Sociology, Visual Arts, or Women's Studies.
First Year
Spanish 030 or 030w/x or the former 020 or 020w/x or 022E. Comparative Literature and Culture 020 is recommended as an option. Students who begin Spanish at university and who desire to enter any honors program, module, or major are strongly urged to take Spanish 200, 200w/x or 222E (if offered) in Intersession or Summer session or consult the Department concerning an alternative. Students may also take both Spanish 030w/x and 200w/x in their first year (if offered) and proceed directly to the honors courses in their second year.
Second, Third and Fourth Years
6.0 Honors Spanish Courses: Spanish 200 (if not already taken), Spanish 202F/G, 203F/G, 204F/G, 205F/G, and 300 are mandatory. 0.5 course in each of the following areas: Medieval Spanish Literature: Spanish 320F/G, 402F/G, and 404F/G, if applicable. Spanish Golden Age Literature: Spanish 321F/G, 323F/G, 324F/G and 326F/G, 402F/G and 404F/G if applicable. Modern Spanish Literature: Spanish 333F/G, 334F/G, 336F/G, 337E, 338F/G, 402F/G and 404F/G if applicable. Spanish-American Literature: Spanish 343F/G, 344F/G, 346F/G, 347E, 348F/G, 403F/G and 405F/G if applicable.