The Diploma in Labour Relations is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the theory that drives the field of labour relations. The Diploma will consist of nine full courses: eight half certificate-credit courses of the Certificate in Labour Relations, plus the five full degree-credit equivalents listed below. Enrolment will be limited and competitive, and will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the Faculty of Social Science. All students will be admitted to the Diploma in Labour Relations according to the policies and guidelines for admission to the University. Non-UWO students must first apply to The University of Western Ontario through the Ontario University Application Centre in Guelph, Ontario. In addition, prospective students must also complete the application form for the Diploma in Labour Relations provided by the Western Centre for Continuing Studies. Application forms are available through the Western Centre for Continuing Studies. Students who are currently enrolled at UWO are only required to complete the Western Centre for Continuing Studies application form. Application Deadline: March 1 to be considered for admission for the Fall term. The Diploma will consist of the equivalent of nine full courses: the eight cerificate-credit half-courses of the Certificate in Labour Relations, plus the following five degree-credit equivalents: Total required degree-credits: 3.5 Plus 3 of the following Electives: Total elective degree-credits: 1.5
Total degree-credit for Diploma = 5.0 full credits
Total certificate-credit for Diploma = 4.0 full credit equivalents
Total credits required for completion of Diploma in Labour Relations (degree-credit + certificate-credit) = 9.0 full credit equivalents