Approved Combinations: Anthropology, Comparative Literature and Culture, English, Film Studies, French, German, Greek*, History, Latin*, Linguistics, Media, Information and Technoculture, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies, Russian, Sociology, Spanish, Visual Arts, or Women's Studies.
First Year
Second, Third and Fourth Years
Seven courses including five Honors Classical Studies courses, Latin 022 and 222 or Greek 022 and 222 In place of Honors Classical Studies courses students may substitute Honors Latin and Greek courses and a maximum of two full courses from among Philosophy 210F/G, 372F/G, Philosophy 373F/G, VAH 247E, 349F/G, 445F/G Students must select at least one course from each of the areas of classical history and literature and at least one from classical art, archaeology or philosophy
* Students combining Classical Studies with Latin are required to take six Honors Latin courses. Students combining Classical Studies with Greek are required to take six Honors Greek courses.