Academic Calendar - 2021 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2021ARCHIVE

DAP Approvals

This website shows the reports on course and program changes approved by the Deans: Academic Programs (DAP) "virtual committee" process. If you have any questions about DAP items, submitted or other, you can contact Jennifer Chambers at <>. You can be added to the e-mail list which receives information on the latest updates to University Academic Policy and DAP approvals by having your Dean send a request with your e-mail address to Lee Ann McKivor <>.

Please note that DAP-approved changes will be reflected in the calendar at the appropriate time, e.g., changes approved in the Fall of 2020 for September 2021 may not result in immediate changes to the academic calendar.

For further information on the process used for proposals to SCAPA, DAP and for Minor course changes, see Making Changes under Academic Policies on the University Secretariat's website.

To check to see if a course number is available, you can check or email