Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025

Western Main Campus

Richard Ivey School Of Business - HBA Combined Programs

This is a Combined Program also featured at the following pages:

Admission to this module is discontinued effective September 1, 2022. Students enrolled in the module will be permitted to graduate upon fulfillment of the module requirements by August 31, 2026.

Structure of the Combined Program

This combined program is administered on behalf of the Ivey Business School and the Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Kinesiology, by the two Program Directors, one of whom is appointed by the Business School and the other by the School of Kinesiology.

The combined program takes five academic years to complete and allows students to complete Bachelor of Arts (BA) programs with an Honours Specialization in Kinesiology-Sport Management and a BA in Honours Business Administration. Students are registered in the combined program for Years Four and Five. Below is a brief outline of the program by year. The specifics may change as courses change in each faculty. It is assumed that students do not take more than two years of Kinesiology course work prior to beginning HBA1.

Admission Requirements

Students apply for the combined program during their HBA1 year. To be eligible for admission consideration for the combined program, students must complete all requirements for the first two years of the BA Honours Specialization in Kinesiology, obtain a minimum two-year (ten credit) average of 80% and achieve a minimum 70% grade in Business Administration 2257. Demonstrated participation in extra-curricular and/or community activities, leadership and work experience are also required. In addition, students must complete the HBA1 year with a weighted rounded average of 78%. Applications for the combined program must be made in writing to the Director of the School of Kinesiology and must also be made on-line to the HBA program by the published deadline for Ivey. Admission to the combined program is competitive and limited. Upon completion of the program students will receive two degrees: a BA Honours Specialization in Kinesiology–Sport Management degree and a BA Honours Business Administration degree.

Module/Program Information

Year One

Kinesiology 1080A/B.
Kinesiology 1070A/B or the former Kinesiology 1088A/B.
Physiology 1021.
3.0 courses numbered 1000 - 1999 from the Faculties of Arts and Humanities, Science or other Faculty.
(Note: Business Administration 1220E is recommended).

Year Two

3.5 Kinesiology courses to be selected as follows:

1.0 course from Kinesiology 2900 - 2999, Kinesiology 3900 - 3999 must be selected in second year.


1. Students should refer to the Web Calendar, current timetable and School of Kinesiology web page for a comprehensive list of Kinesiology activity designated courses.

2. By April 30th of second year students must submit current certification in first aid and C.P.R.

2.0 Kinesiology courses: Kinesiology 2222A/B, Kinesiology 2230A/B, Kinesiology 2241A/B, Kinesiology 2298A/B.

0.5 course from: Kinesiology 2236A/B, Kinesiology 2250A/B, Kinesiology 2263F/G, Kinesiology 2276F/G, Kinesiology 2292F/G, Dance 2270A/B.

Business Administration 2257.

0.5 elective which must include any introductory level or equivalent statistics course, if not previously completed.

Year Three

The third year of the undergraduate program in Business Administration consists of an integrated set of courses (7.5 courses) designed to give a basic understanding of the functions and the interrelationships of the major areas of management, as well as to develop problem-solving and action-planning skills.

All students will take:

Business Administration 3300K, Business Administration 3301K, Business Administration 3302K, Business Administration 3303K, Business Administration 3304K, Business Administration 3311K, Business Administration 3316K, Business Administration 3321K, Business Administration 3322K, Business Administration 3323K.

No substitute for any of the above courses is permitted under any circumstances.

Year Four

2.5 Kinesiology courses numbered 2000-4999 [non activity based] which must include Kinesiology 3398F/G, Kinesiology 3399F/G, Kinesiology 2032A/B.

2.5 HBA Required Courses as follows (HBA2 requirements can be taken over Year 4 or 5 except Business Administration 4569 which must be taken in Year 4):

0.5 course: International Perspective Requirement: Business Administration 4505A/B.
0.5 course: Corporations and Society Perspective Requirement:  At least one course from Business Administration - Corporations and Society designated electives offered during the academic year (Business Administration 4538A/B, Business Administration 4539A/B, Business Administration 4588A/B, Business Administration 4625A/B) or other business elective as determined and approved by the HBA Program Director to satisfy this requirement.
0.5 course: Managerial Accounting Requirement: Business Administration 4624A/B
1.0 course: Applied Project Requirement: Business Administration 4569.

0.5 additional business elective offerings chosen from available 4000 level courses.

Year Five

3.5 Kinesiology courses numbered 2000-4999 (non-activity based) which must include Kinesiology 4489A/B, Kinesiology 4498A/B.

2.0 courses in Business Administration chosen from available 4000 level courses.
* Note: students have the potential to increase to a maximum of 6.0 courses per year with additional
Business electives. Prior permission is required

Program Requirements

Students registered in the combined program are expected to abide by all guidelines associated with each of the individual programs. The combined degree program cannot deviate from the 5 year program structure. That is, it cannot be completed in less time or extended beyond the 5 years.


Progression Standards

Students in this combined program must meet the following progression standards: Students enrolled in HBA1 (Year Three) must attain a minimum weighted rounded average of 78%. In Years Four and Five, students must attain a minimum weighted average of 75% in their 4000 level HBA courses. For the School of Kinesiology, students must meet Western's honours progression requirements.

Failure to Meet Progression Standards

A student who fails to meet the progression standards in any year of the combined program must withdraw from the combined program. With permission from the Director of Kinesiology and/or the HBA Program Director, the student may continue in one program and request permission from the other Faculty or School to complete that program at a later date.

A student who fails to meet the progression standards in any year of the combined program may appeal the decision in writing to the Director of Kinesiology and/or the HBA Program Director in which the progression standards were not met in accordance with the University's policies on Academic Rights and Responsibilities.

Dean's Honour List

At the Richard Ivey School of Business, students are considered for the Dean's Honour List during their first year of HBA. Students enrolled in Years 4 and 5 of the combined degree program are considered for the Dean's Honour List in Year 5 only. Only grades obtained in 4000-level Business courses will be used in calculating averages for the purpose of determination of Dean's Honour List standing. The Dean's Honour List for HBA2 typically includes the top 25% of all of HBA2 and is determined by vote of the teaching faculty. Courses taken outside the Business School are excluded. Calculations for Ivey Scholar and Gold Medals are completed in the same way.

In the School of Kinesiology, students will be adjudicated for the Dean's Honour List based on all courses taken in the academic year (i.e. September – April) provided the student is registered in a minimum of four full or equivalent courses. In addition, an average of 80% must be achieved on all courses taken toward the Kinesiology degree with a minimum of at least 60% in each course.

Graduation With Distinction

A student who receives an overall average of 80% and no grade lower than 70% on the entire program with no failed courses will receive the designation graduation "With Distinction".

Related Information

Exchange Programs

Students in the combined program may be eligible to participate in academic exchange programs. Interested students should discuss exchange options with the HBA Program Office and with the School of Kinesiology Academic Counsellor.

Gold Medal

Eligibility is determined by the regulations in effect in the School of Kinesiology and the Business School respectively.


Students pay the prevailing fees as determined by the University policy on combined programs. Contact the Office of the Registrar, Western Student Services building, RM 1120, 519-661-2100 or at  for details.
For module planning guide go to the School of Kinesiology website: