Academic Calendar - 2021 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2021ARCHIVE


Humanities, School of

Admission Requirements

Completion of first-year requirements, including 1.0 from English 1020-1999, with a mark of at least 60%. Students should consult with the Department prior to admission.

Module/Program Information

5.0 courses:

1.0 course from: English 3330E, English 3338E, the former English 3226E or the former English 3227E.
1.0 course from: English 2060E, English 2501E, English 3579F/G, English 3776F/G, or the former English 2309E, the former English 3777F/G.
1.0 course from: English 2033E, English 2071F/G, English 2072F/G, English 2110E, English 2877F/G or the former English 2500E.
1.0 course from: English 2301E, English 2401E, English 2601E or the former English 2307E, the former English 2308E, the former English 2310E.
1.0 additional essay (E, F, or G) course in English at the 2000 level or above. Students may include Writing 2101F/G or equivalent in this category, and are recommended to do so.

Note: English 2033E is recommended for teaching Primary to Intermediate grades and the former English 2500E for Intermediate to Senior levels.

Note: Writing 1020F/G taken at Brescia or King's may be substituted for Writing 2101F/G.