Academic Calendar - 2021 ARCHIVE

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2021ARCHIVE

Western Main Campus

Don Wright Faculty of Music - Music Program - Bachelor of Music

Admission Requirements

Six approved Grade 12U and/or M level courses including English (ENG4U) and recommendation of the Faculty on the basis of an audition and interview.  

Students recommended for admission to the Bachelor of Music (BMus) programs take a Common First Year as described below.

Students not recommended for admission to the Common First Year of the Bachelor of Music (BMus) programs are automatically considered for admission to the first year of the BA (Music) program.

Proficiency equivalent to the Royal Conservatory of Music Level 6 Piano and Level 6 Music Theory are strongly recommended before entrance. Royal Conservatory of Music Certificates are not required. See Music 0914 under COURSES for information regarding the piano proficiency requirement.

Common First Year

Music 0914(if required), Music 1639U, Music 1641U, Music 1649A/B, Music 1651A/B, Music 1710F/G, Music 1750F/G, Music 1920.
Ensemble: One, or more, of: Music 1901, Music 1902, Music 1903, Music 1904, Music 1905, Music 1906, Music 1910, Music 1911, Music 1912, Music 1913.
0.5 course from: Music 1629A/B, Music 1730A/B, Music 1802A/B.
0.5 course from any Faculty.
0.5 course from a Faculty other than Music.

Admission Requirements after Year I Music

Completion of Common First Year with a weighted average of at least 70%, no mark less than 60% in Music courses, a passing grade in the non-Music courses, and a mark of at least 70% in Music 1641U or the former Music 1636A/B and Music 1651A/B or the former Music 1650A/B.

Admission requirements after Year II Music

Completion of all courses specified for Years I and II of the program; a cumulative weighted average of at least 70% in Music courses; no mark less than 60% in senior Music courses, a passing grade in each non-Music course; a mark of at least 70% in Music 1651A/B or the former Music 1650A/B, Music 2651A/B or the former Music 2649A/B, Music 2671F/G or the former Music 2650A/B, and Music 2629.

Module/Program Information

Second Year

Music 2629, Music 2639U or the former Music 2635A/B, Music 2641U or the former Music 2636A/B, Music 2651A/B or the former Music 2649A/B, Music 2671F/G or the former Music 2650A/B, Music 2750F/G or the former Music 2710F/G or the former Music 2711F/G, Music 2920.
Ensemble: One, or more, of Music 2901, Music 2902, Music 2903, Music 2904, Music 2905, Music 2906, Music 2910, Music 2911, Music 2912, Music 2913. 1.0 course or equivalent from a Faculty other than Music.

Third Year

Music 3629, Music 3649A/B, Music 3650A/B.
Music 3920 and Ensemble* (Music 3901, Music 3902, Music 3903, Music 3904, Music 3905, Music 3906, Music 3910, Music 3911, Music 3912, Music 3913), or 1.0 music elective.
1.0 courses from Music 2695A/B, Music 3610A/B, Music 3611A/B, Music 3620A/B, Music 3621A/B, Music 3630A/B, Music 3641A/B/Y or the former Music 3640, Music 3696A/B/Y.
0.5 course or equivalent from the Faculty of Music.
0.5 course or equivalent from any Faculty.

*The ensemble requirement becomes an optional elective for those students not registered in Music 3920.

Fourth Year

Music 4629.
Music 4920 and Ensemble* (Music 4901, Music 4902, Music 4903, Music 4904, Music 4905, Music 4906, Music 4910, Music 4911, Music 4912, Music 4913), or 1.0 music elective.
1.0 courses from: Music 2695A/B, Music 3610A/B, Music 3611A/B, Music 3620A/B, Music 3621A/B, Music 3630A/B, Music 3641A/B/Y or the former Music 3640, Music 3696A/B/Y or Music 3695.
1.0 course or equivalent from the Faculty of Music.
1.0 course or equivalent from a Faculty other than Music.

* The ensemble requirement becomes an optional elective for those students not registered in Music 4920.


If a student fails to meet admission requirements, permission to proceed in an Honours Music program may be granted by the Dean on the recommendation of the Department concerned; special conditions on future registration may be imposed.

The basic progression and graduation requirement is completion of the previous year's approved program of study, with a weighted average of at least 70% and no grade less than 60% in Music courses, and a passing grade in each non-Music course.

The continued registration of a student ineligible to progress to the subsequent year of an Honours program will be restricted to courses required to complete the general Bachelor of Music or the three-year BA (Music) degree.