Academic Calendar - 2025

Western University Academic Calendar. - 2025
Western Main Campus

Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies 3320F/G


This course introduces students to gender studies and feminist research methodologies from a variety of disciplinary traditions and theoretical perspectives. Students will learn about and begin to apply specific methodological issues, including ethics, archival work, researcher positionality, and the practices and politics of data collection, interpretation, and reporting.

Antirequisite(s): GSWS 3321F/G and GSWS 3322F/G.

Prerequisite(s): GSWS 2220E, or permission of the Department.

Extra Information: 3 hours.

Course Weight: 0.50
Breadth: CATEGORY A i   CATEGORY B i  
Subject Code: GSWS

This Course is Mentioned in the Following Calendar Pages: