Admission Requirements: Completion of first-year requirements, including 1.0 course from English 1020E or 1022E or 1024E or 1035E or 1036E or both English 1027F/G and 1028F/G with a mark of at least 60%.
Module 4.0 courses:
2.0 courses taken in Year 2: Theatre Studies 2201F/G, 2202F/G, 2203E. 2.0 courses taken in Years 3 and Year 4 from Theatre Studies 3201F/G, 3202F/G, 3203F/G, 3204F/G, 3205F/G, 3208F/G, 3209F/G, 4211F/G, 4212F/G, 4213F/G, 4214F/G, 4215F/G. Up to 1.0 relevant course other than Theatre Studies may be substituted with permission of the Chair of Undergraduate Studies.