Medicine is a demanding profession. Being a medical student is not always easy; it requires a strict regimen of studying, lectures, labs and problem solving. Coping with stress is an essential part of practising medicine and the process begins in medical school.
At Western's Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, a number of services are available offering personal and professional counselling, to prevent stress or other problems from becoming overwhelming.
The Admissions & Student Affairs unit has counsellors and staff available for personal counselling, discussion of problems, career planning, etc. Seeking counselling does not jeopardize a student's standing in the program and is held in strict confidence. If referral to another professional is required the staff will assist in the arrangements. During the Orientation Program new medical students are given an Orientation Handbook listing other campus and faculty units that provide support services (e.g., Student Development Centre, Student Health Services, Ombudsperson, Campus Ministry Centre, etc.).