Admission Requirements
Completion of first year requirements including Sociology 1020 or 1021E with a mark of at least 60%.
6.0 courses:
2.5 courses: Sociology 2202, 2205A/B and 2206A/B (or the former Sociology 231), Sociology 2246A/B.
1.0 course from: Sociology 2240E or 2270A/B and 2271A/B.
2.5 courses from: Sociology 2179A/B, 2232 (or the former Sociology 232E), Sociology 2233 or 2234E, 2235, 2247A/B, 2263A/B, 2280A/B, 2285A/B, Anthropology 2290F/G, History of Science 2220, Philosophy 2071E, 2073F/G, 2720F/G, Psychology 2036A/B.
Note: Students enrolled in a Major Module in Sociology of Health and Aging to form part of an Honors Double Major will be required to complete Sociology 3404F/G and either Sociology 3306A/B or 3307F/G. These students will need only 1.5 courses from the required 2.5 courses from: section of the Major in Sociology of Health and Aging module.