The combined History/JD program is administered on behalf of the Faculty of Social Science and the Faculty of Law. The combined program allows students to complete both the JD and B.A Honors Specialization – History degrees in six academic years instead of the seven years required if the degrees were taken separately.
Admission to the Combined ProgramApplicants to the combined program must apply to the Faculty of Law following their admission in Honors Specialization in History and in advance of the application deadline established by the Faculty. To be considered for admission to the combined program, students must: (i) have completed first year University with an overall minimum average of 80% and obtained at least 80% in one of
History 1201E,
1801E or
1803E; (ii) complete second year (first year Honors History) with an overall minimum average of 80% and obtain a minimum of 80% in
History 2201E,
2205E; (iii) meet the minimum LSAT requirements established by the Faculty of Law; and (iv) be admitted to the Faculty of Law. Meeting the minimum admission requirements does not guarantee a position in the combined program. Entrance into the combined program is competitive and limited.
Structure of the Program In Year One of the program students are registered in one of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Science, or Social Science. In Years Two and Three, they are registered in the Faculty of Social Science. In Years Four, Five and Six, students are registered in the combined program. In Year Four, students will take Law courses only. In Years Five and Six, students will take a combination of approved History and Law courses. Upon completion of the combined program, students will receive both an Honors Specialization BA in History and an JD. Students are encouraged to meet mandatory University breadth requirements in Year One.
Year One
First year program in Arts and Humanities, Science, or Social Science, including one of History 1201E, 1401E, 1403E, 1601E, 1701E, 1801E or 1803E.
Years Two and Three
Students must take:
1.0 course from: History 2201E, 2203E, 2205E;
2.0 courses: History 2301E and 2403E;
3.0 courses in History at the 2200 level or above, 1.0 of which must be in British or European History other than History 2403E (History 2400, 3400, 4400 series),and 1.0 of which must be a course with a non-European, non-North American focus (History 2500, 2600, 3500, 3600, 4500, 4600 series). These courses may be included among the appropriate 2000, 3000, or 4000 level required courses.
Year Four
Students must take first-year Law. No courses outside of Law may be taken during this year.
Years Five and Six
Students will take, as approved, required and elective courses from both the Faculty of Law and the Department of History.
Students must take:
- the two compulsory upper-year Law courses;
- at least three Law core-group courses;
- additional Law courses totaling at least 25 credit hours, of which one course must have an essay requirement of at least two credit weights;
- 3.0 courses in History at the 3000 or 4000 level, with at least 1.0 at the 4000 level.
Progression Requirements Once admitted to the combined program, students must meet the regular progression requirements of the Department of History and the Faculty of Law. Further, in each of Years Four, Five and Six, students must obtain a B average in their Law courses and a 75% average in their History courses. A student who fails to meet the combined program progression requirements in any year must withdraw from the combined program. However, if that student has met the progression standards of either the History or JD program, he or she will be allowed to proceed to the next year of that program. If that student has satisfied the progression standards of both individual programs, he or she may continue in either program and may petition the Faculty whose program was not selected for permission to complete that program at a later date.
A student who is required to withdraw from the combined program and wishes to pursue either or both of the individual programs, must complete all the degree requirements of the individual program or programs in order to graduate from that program or those programs.
Exchange Programs
Students enrolled in the combined program may be eligible in Year Five or Six for an exchange program offered only through the Faculty of Law. This will require advanced planning with both Faculties.
Dean's Honor List
Students are considered for the Dean's Honor List in the Faculty of Social Science (their home faculty) in Years One, Two and Three. In Year Four, they are considered for the Dean's Honor List in the Faculty of Law. A student who takes Law courses totaling at least 12 credit hours in each of Years Five and Six of the program is considered for the Dean's Honor List in the Faculty of Law in each of those years on the basis of those courses. A student is also considered for the Dean's Honor List in the Faculty of Social Science on the basis of courses taken in each of those years.
Graduation with Distinction
Eligibility to graduate with distinction for each degree is determined by each Faculty.
Gold Medal
Students in the combined program are eligible to be considered for the Gold Medal in either or both degree programs, along with other eligible graduating students in those programs, as determined by the requirements in each Faculty.
Tuition fees for the combined programs are set by the University. Contact the Office of the Registrar, Western Student Services building, Room 1120 519-661-3023, or at for details.