Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements, including 1.0 course from: History 1201E, 1401E, 1403E, 1601E, 1701E, 1801E, 1803E or 1805E with a minimum mark of 60%.
7.0 courses:
1.0* course: History 2201E or 2205E.
2.0* courses: 1.0 each from two of the following three areas:
European: History 2401E, 2403E, 2404E, or
United States: History 2301E, or
World: History 2501E, 2601E, 2605E, 2606E, 2609E, 2611E.
2.0 courses in History at the 2200 level or above (see note 1 below).
1.0 courses in History at the 3000 level or above (see note 2below).
1.0 course in History at the 3000 or 4000 level.
* 2.0 of these 3.0 courses must be taken before year 3. The third must be taken before year 4.
1) The module must include one History course focusing on the pre-1800 period and one course in European History, one course in United States History, and one course in World History. The distribution requirements may be satisfied by required courses taken at the 2200 level and above. The same course can satisfy the geographical distribution requirements and the pre-1800 course requirement. Please see the History Department web site for lists of courses that satisfy the distribution requirements.
2) Students are advised that some 3000 level courses give priority to students who achieve and progress with honors standing.