Admission Requirements
Completion of 5.0 first-year courses with no failures including:
1.0 course from Geography 1100, 1300A/B, 1400F/G, 1500F/G, the former 020E.
1.0 course from Economics 1021A/B and 1022A/B, or Economics 1020.
Students must have an average of at least 70% in 3.0 principal courses, including Geography 1100, 1300A/B, 1400F/G, 1500F/G, the former 020E, Economics 1021A/B and 1022A/B, or Economics 1020, and 1.0 additional course, with no mark in these principal courses below 60%. If 2100 level Economics courses are selected in the module, MCV4U or Mathematics 0110A/B is required for registration; if senior Sociology courses are selected, Sociology 1020 or 1021E is required.
Note: Students are strongly recommended to include in their first year course selection 1.0 course from Category B and 1.0 from Category C in order to meet the breadth requirements of their degree.
15.0 courses:
0.5 course: Geography 2210A/B (normally taken in Year 2).
6.0 courses: Geography 2220A/B, 2420A/B, 2460F/G, 3000Y, 3210A/B, 3211A/B, 3461F/G, 3462F/G, 3463F/G, 3464F/G, 4000A/B, 4460F/G.
1.0 course from: Geography 2230A/B, 2240A/B, 2310A/B, 2320A/B, 2330A/B, 2410A/B, 2411F/G, 2430A/B, 2450F/G, 3221A/B, 3222A/B, 3223A/B, 3250A/B, 3311A/B, 3416F/G, 3421A/B, 3465F/G, the former 2250A/B, 2340A/B.
1.0 course: Business Administration 2257.
0.5 course from: Economics 2150A/B, Sociology 2280A/B, 2281A/B.
1.0 course: Political Science 2236E.
1.0 course from: Economics 2157F/G, Sociology 2151A/B, 2152A/B, Political Science 2211E, 3363F/G.
1.5 courses: MOS 2275A/B, 3372.
2.5 additional courses* from: Anthropology 2201F/G, Computer Science 1032A/B, Economics 2117A/B, 2150A/B, 2151A/B, 2157F/G, 2184A/B, Geography 3221A/B, 3222A/B, 3223A/B, 3311A/B, 3416F/G, 3421A/B, 3465F/G, 4900E, the former History 404E, Management and Organizational Studies 2276A/B, Political Science 2211E, 2246E, 3363F/G, 3364F/G, the former Political Science 134a/b, 0.5 from the former Sociology 2101F/G or 2103F/G or 2104F/G, Sociology 2151A/B, 2152A/B, 2280A/B, 2281A/B, Visual Arts History 3388F/G, Writing 2101F/G.
* If any of these courses have been taken in earlier sections, they do not count twice toward completion of the module. Only one of the former Sociology 2101F/G, Sociology 2103F/G or Sociology 2104F/G may count towards the module.
This module may NOT be combined with other modules