This module builds on the Major in Chemistry, and allows the choice of specializing in a particular area of chemistry. This module includes Chemistry 4490E, an independent research project in which the student works in one of the research laboratories in the Department of Chemistry, typically in the final year of study. This module is identical to the Honors Specialization in Chemistry module but does not require a minimum 70% average.
Admission Requirements
Completion of first year requirements, including the following 3.0 courses:
10.0 courses:
6.0 courses: Chemistry 2271A, 2272F, 2273A , 2374A (or the former 2284B), Chemistry 2281G, 2283G, 2384B (or the former 2274A), Chemistry 3300F/G, 3371F, 3372F/G, 3373F, 3374A/B.
0.5 course from: Biochemistry 2280A, Chemistry 2223B, 4493A/B.
2.0 courses (at least 1.0 of which must be at the 4000 level, or 0.5 course at the 4000 level if Chemistry 4493A/B is chosen from the list above) from: Chemistry 2210A/B, 3320A/B, 3330F/G, 3364A/B, 3370A/B, 3384F/G, 3391A/B, 3393A/B, 4400A/B, 4441A/B, 4444A/B, 4466B, 4471A/B, 4472A/B, 4473A/B, 4474A/B, 4481A/B, 4483A/B, 4493A/B, 4494A/B, Applied Mathematics 2811B, 2813B, Calculus 2302A/B, 2303A/B, and Applied Mathematics 2402A.
1.5 course: Chemistry 4491E.