Any statement in this announcement applies only to the current session. Students registering in Medicine are subject to any decisions that may be made by the Council of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and by the Senate or Board of Governors of the university.
Students registered in any year are expected to attend the courses of instruction, and are required to take the examinations in all subjects prescribed for that year, unless otherwise permitted by the Assistant Dean, Student Affairs. Classes desiring a change of scheduling of any lecture, seminar, clinic or laboratory period must have the permission of the Office of Undergraduate Medical Education. Emphasis will be placed on all small group participation. A student must satisfactorily pass this component to progress in all phases of the program.
Attendance, Deportment and Appearance of Medical Students in Teaching Hospitals
Each student is expected to fulfil clinical responsibilities involving patient care as part of the health care team and is responsible for being present according to hospital (or clinical facility) schedules as part of their academic requirements.
Learning in a teaching hospital means presenting yourself in both dress and behavior in a way that meets the expectations of the people encountered in the hospital. Being ill and hospitalized is a major episode for a patient, and it is often an emotionally upsetting and apprehensive time for them. It is important that all team members be perceived as trustworthy and credible by the patient. Jewellery, hair, dress and behavior that appear bizarre or outlandish to patients will only add to the distress they are already feeling. A medical professional, which is how you are presenting yourself, must extend courtesy and consideration for the feelings of the patient population.
Attending physicians and surgeons bear full responsibility for their patients' welfare. As such they have the right to deny students the right to work with their patients if they feel the student's manner of dress or conduct is inappropriate.
Time Limitation for Completion of the MD Program
The Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program is a four-year full-time program. Students with extenuating circumstances may be granted a leave of absence while enrolled in the program. The MD program must be completed in no more than six consecutive full years from the date of initial registration. This restriction is in place to ensure cohesion and continuity within the context of the professional education program. A student who fails to complete the program in six years, for any reason, must withdraw from the medical program.
A student who fails to complete his or her course of study satisfactorily within the stipulated period of six years will be granted readmission only in light of extraordinary extenuating circumstances. An application for readmission must be approved by the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry Appeals Committee.