The combined Honors Specialization in Kinesiology-BA/JD program is administered on behalf of the Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Kinesiology and the Faculty of Law by the two Program Directors, one of whom is appointed by the School of Kinesiology and the other by the Faculty of Law. The combined program allows students to complete both the JD and BA Honors Specialization Kinesiology degrees in six academic years instead of the seven years required if the degrees were taken separately.
In Years One, Two and Three, students are registered in the Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Kinesiology. In Year Four, students are registered in the Faculty of Law. Students are registered in the combined program for Years Five and Six.
Below is an outline of the combined program by year. The specifics may change as courses change in each Faculty.
Students registered in the combined program are expected to abide by all guidelines associated with each of the individual programs.
Admission Requirements
To be eligible for admission, a student must:
1. Complete first year in the School of Kinesiology with an overall average of at least 80% on a 5.0 course load with no grade lower than 60%. A minimum combined average of 80% must be
obtained in Kinesiology 1080A/B and Kinesiology 1088A/B;
2. Obtain a minimum average of 80% on a 5.0 course load in each of second and third years of the Kinesiology program; and
3. Meet the minimum LSAT requirement established by the Law School Admissions Committee.
Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee a position in the combined program.
Application Information
Students applying to the combined program must submit a letter of intent to the Director of the School of Kinesiology by September 30 of the applicant's Third Year in Kinesiology. A separate application must also be submitted to the Faculty of Law in accordance with the submission deadlines advertised in The University of Western Ontario academic calendar.
Year One: School of Kinesiology
Registration in Year One must be in the School of Kinesiology.
Students enroll in Kinesiology 1080A/B, Kinesiology 1088A/B, Physiology 1021 or equivalent plus three first-year designated courses selected from other Faculties/Programs.
Years Two and Three: School of Kinesiology
Students enroll in 10 courses:
2.0 courses: Kinesiology 2222A/B, 2230A/B, 2241A/B, 2298A/B (all must be taken in Year Two).
1.0 course from: Kinesiology 2020Q/R/S/T - 2022Q/R/S/T, 2202Q/R/S/T - 2225Q/R/S/T, Kinesiology 3302Q/R/S/T - 3329Q/R/S/T (four Physical Activity quarter-courses or equivalent must be taken in Year Two).
3.0 courses from: Kinesiology 2236A/B, 2250A/B, 2263F/G, 3377F/G, 2292F/G or the former 2290F/G, 2293F/G, Kinesiology 3356A/B, 3363A/B, 3362F/G, 3388A/B, 3390F/G, 3398F/G, 3399A/B.
0.5 course: Kinesiology 2032A/B.
1.0 course: Kinesiology non-activity based course.
0.5 course: Introductory Statistics (any level).
2.0 additional elective courses (non-Kinesiology and non-Law courses).
Year Four: Faculty of Law
Students must take first year Law. No courses outside of Law may be taken during this year.
Years Five and Six: combined Faculty of Law/School of Kinesiology Students will take, as approved, required and elective courses from both the Faculty of Law and the School of Kinesiology.
In Years Five and Six, students must complete the following requirements:
the two compulsory upper-year Law courses;
at least three Law core-group courses;
additional Law courses totaling at least 28 credit hours, one of which must have an essay requirement with a weight of at least two credits;
1.5 courses from: Kinesiology 4459A/B, 4460F/G, 4468A/B, 4491F/G, 4492F/G, 4493F/G, 4498A/B, the former 4456A/B or a selection of Kinesiology Selected Topics from second, third or fourth
year which may be offered on rotational basis; and
1.0 course: Kinesiology (non-activity based) from second, third or fourth year offerings or external elective.
Exchange Programs
Students enrolled in the combined program may be eligible in Year Five or Six for an exchange program offered through either Faculty provided both Program Directors approve.
Progression Standards
Once admitted to the combined program, students must maintain a minimum year weighted average of 75% in their Kinesiology courses and a B average in their Law courses.
Failure to Meet Progression Requirements Years Four, Five and Six
A student who fails to meet the combined program progression standards in any year must withdraw from the combined program. However, if that student has met the progression standards of either the Kinesiology or JD program, he or she will be allowed to proceed to the next year of that program. If that student has satisfied the progression standards of both individual programs, he or she may continue in either program and may petition the School or Faculty whose program was not selected for permission to complete that program at a later date.
A student who is required to withdraw from the combined program and continues with either or both of the individual programs must complete all the degree requirements of the individual program or programs in order to graduate from that program or those programs.
Dean's Honor List
Students are considered for the Dean's Honor List in the School of Kinesiology in Years One, Two and Three. In Year Four, they are considered for the Dean's Honor List in the Faculty of Law. A student who takes Law courses totaling at least 12 credit hours in each of Years Five and Six of the program is considered for the Dean's Honor List in the Faculty of Law in each of those years on the basis of those courses. Dean's Honor list eligibility for Kinesiology in Years Five and Six will be determined by the School of Kinesiology.
Graduation with Distinction
Eligibility to graduate with distinction for each degree is determined by each Faculty.
Gold Medal
Eligibility is determined by the regulations in effect in the Faculty of Law and the School of Kinesiology respectively.
Tuition fees for the combined programs are set by the University. Contact the Office of the Registrar, Western Student Services building, RM 1120, 519-661-2100, or at