Structure of the Combined Program
This combined program is administered on behalf of the Ivey Business School and the Faculty of Information and Media Studies.
The combined program takes five academic years to complete. Upon completion of the program students will receive two degrees: a BA with an Honors Specialization in Media, Information and Technoculture (MIT) and a BA in Honors Business Administration (HBA). In Year One and Two, students are registered in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies and follow the normal curriculum for an Honors Specialization in Media, Information and Technoculture (MIT). In Year Three, students are registered in the HBA program. Students are registered in the combined program for Years Four and Five. Below is a brief outline of the program by year. The specifics may change as courses change in each Faculty. It is assumed that students do not take more than two years of course work prior to beginning HBA1.
Admission Requirements
Students apply for the combined program during their HBA1 year. Admission to the combined program is competitive and limited. Students must complete all requirements for the first two years of the Honors Specialization in MIT, obtain a minimum two year average of 80% with no failures, and achieve a minimum 70% in Business Administration 2257. Demonstrated participation in extra curricular and/or community activities, leadership and work experience are also admission criteria. Students applying to the Ivey Business School's Advanced Entry Opportunity (AEO) are also eligible to be considered for the combined program.
Year One Completion of first-year requirements with no failures. All 5.0 first-year courses will be considered as principal courses. Students must have an average of at least 72% in these principal courses, including Media, Information and Technoculture 1200F/G, 1500F/G and 1700F/G with a mark of at least 70% in each, with no mark in any course below 60%.
Year Two
Media, Information and Technoculture 2000F/G, 2100F/G, 2200F/G, 2500A/B, Writing 2121F/G.
1.0 course: Media, Information and Technoculture courses at the 2000 level or higher.
Business Administration 2257.
0.5 course equivalent option.
Year Three: HBA1
The third year of the undergraduate program in Business Administration consists of an integrated set of courses (8.25) designed to give a basic understanding of the functions and the interrelationships of the major areas of management, as well as to develop problem-solving and action-planning skills.
All students will take: Business Administration 3300K, 3301K, 3303K, 3304K, 3307K, 3311K, 3316K, 3321K, 3322K, 3323K.
No substitute for any of the above courses is permitted under any circumstances.
Years 4 and 5:HBA2 Requirements can be taken over year 4 or 5 – no course is restricted to either year)
2.0 courses:
Corporations and Society Perspective Requirement: At least one 0.5 course from
Business Administration 4521A/B,
4523A/B or other business elective as determined and approved by the HBA Program Director to satisfy this requirement.
3.5 additional business elective courses.
Years 4 and 5: Media, Information and Technoculture Requirements
1.0 course: Media, Information and Technoculture 3000A/B, 3100F/G (must be taken in fourth year)
2.5 course: Media, Information and Technoculture courses at the 2000 level or higher.
1.5 course: Media, Information and Technoculture courses at the 3000 level or higher.
0.5 course from Media, Information and Technoculture 4030F/G – 4039F/G (must be taken in fifth year).
Program Requirements
Students registered in the combined program are expected to abide by all guidelines associated with each of the individual programs.
Exchange Programs
Effective September 2006, academic exchange opportunities are not available for the combined degree program because of the combination of core and elective courses required in Years Four and Five.
Progression Standards Students enrolled in first year HBA (Year 3) must attain at least 78%. In Years 4 and 5, students must attain a minimum weighted average of 75% in their 4000 level HBA courses. They also must achieve a minimum weighted average of 75% in their MIT courses.
Failure to Meet Progression StandardsA student who fails to meet the progression standards in any year must withdraw from the combined program. However, a student who has met the progression standards of either the HBA or MIT program will be allowed to proceed to the next year of that program. If the progression standards of both individual programs have been satisfied, the student may continue in either program and may petition the School or Faculty whose program was not selected for permission to complete that program at a later date. A student who is required to withdraw from the combined program must complete all the degree requirements of the program in which s/he is registered in order to graduate.
Dean's Honor ListAt the Richard Ivey School of Business, students are considered for the Dean's Honor List during their first year of HBA. Students enrolled in Years 4 and 5 of the combined degree program are considered for the Dean's Honor List in Year 5 only. Only grades obtained in 4000-level Business courses will be used in calculating averages for the purpose of determination of Dean's Honor List standing. The Dean's Honor List for HBA2 typically includes the top 25% of all of HBA2 and is determined by vote of the teaching faculty. Courses taken outside the Business School are excluded. Calculations for Ivey Scholar and Gold Medals are completed in the same way.
In the Faculty of Information and Media Studies, students may be eligible for the Dean's Honor list in Years 4 and 5. Adjudication will be based on having an overall 80% average on all courses (including both MIT and HBA courses) taken in each academic year.
Graduation with Distinction
Each faculty confers its own graduation "With Distinction". In the HBA program, graduation "With Distinction" is determined on all courses taken as part of the HBA program, including 3000 and 4000 level Business courses, exchange courses and non-Ivey courses.
For the MIT program, a student who receives an overall average of 80% and no grade lower than 70% on the entire program with no failed courses will receive the designation graduation "With Distinction".
Gold MedalEligibility is determined by the regulations in effect in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies and the Business School respectively.
Fees Students pay the prevailing fees as determined by the University policy on combined programs. Contact the Office of the Registrar, Western Student Services building, RM 1120, 519-661-2100 or at for details.