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Admission Requirements
Structure of the Program In the first year of the program, students are registered in the Faculty of Information and Media Studies as MTP-designated students. In the second, third, and fourth years, students are registered in the collaborative program and are registered in courses at both institutions. Upon successful completion of the collaborative program, students will receive both a BA in Media, Information and Technoculture from Western and a diploma from Fanshawe College in their chosen stream.
Broadcasting - Radio
First Year
Second Year
- MIT 2000F/G, 2100F/G.
- Fanshawe Courses: RADO 1001, RADO 1002, RADO 1003, RADO 1004, RADO 1005, RADO 1008, RADO 1009, RADO 1010, RADO 1030, RADO 2001, RADO 3013.
Third Year
2.0 MIT courses at the 2000 level or above.
1.0 option (must be selected from a subject area other than MIT).
Fanshawe Courses: RADO 3010, RADO 4002.
Fourth Year
Fanshawe Courses: RADO 3001, RADO 3002, RADO 3003, RADO 3004, RADO 3005, RADO 3006, RADO 3007, RADO 3008.
Broadcasting - Television
First Year
Second Year
Fanshawe Courses: TVSN 1001, TVSN 1004, TVSN 1006, TVSN 1007, TVSN 1008, TVSN 1009, TVSN 1028, TVSN 1059, TVSN 1061, FLDP 1006, FLDP 3003
Third Year
2.0 MIT courses at the 2000 level or above.
1.0 option (must be selected from a subject area other than MIT).
Fanshawe Courses: TVSN 1058 and TVSN 3011 .
Fourth Year
1.0 MIT course at the 2000 level or above.
Fanshawe Courses: TVSN 1060, TVSN 1062, TVSN 3001, TVSN 3003, TVSN 3005, TVSN 5001, TVSN 5002, TVSN 5003, TVSN 5004, TVSN 5005.
Journalism - Broadcast
First Year
Second Year
- MIT 2000F/G, 2100F/G.
- Fanshawe Courses: BRJR 1014, BRJR 1015, BRJR 1016, BRJR 1017, BRJR 1032, BRJR 1018, BRJR 1019, BRJR 2001, BRJR 2002.
Third Year
- MIT 2200F/G, 2500A/B.
- 2.0 MIT courses at the 2000 level or above.
- 1.0 option (must be selected from a subject area other than MIT).
- Fanshawe Courses: BRJR 1033 and BRJR 3005 .
Fourth Year
- 1.0 MIT course selected from: MIT 2850F/G-2859F/G, MIT 3850F/G-3859F/G.
- Fanshawe Courses: BRJR 1021, BRJR 1022, BRJR 1023, BRJR 1034, BRJR 3004, BRJR 1025, BRJR 1026, BRJR 1027, BRJR 1028, BRJR 1029, BRJR 4001.
Interactive Design and Production
First Year
Second Year
- MIT 2000F/G, 2100F/G.
- Fanshawe Courses: MMED 1001, MMED 1002, MMED 1003, MMED 1004, MMED 1005, MMED 1006, MMED 1007, MMED 1008
Third Year
- MIT 2200F/G, 2500A/B.
- 2.0 MIT courses at the 2000 level or above.
- 1.0 option (must be selected from a subject area other than MIT).
- Fanshawe Courses: MMED 1015 and MMED 3010.
Fourth Year
- 1.0 MIT course at the 2000 level or above.
- Fanshawe Courses: MMED 1012, MMED 3001, MMED 3002, MMED 3003, MMED 3005, MMED 3006, MMED 3007, MMED 3008, MMED 3009.
Progression and Graduation Requirements
Once admitted to second year of the collaborative program, students must meet progression and graduation requirements for both the degree and diploma programs. To progress in the degree portion of the collaborative program, students must attain at least a 68% average in each academic term. In addition, students must achieve a minimum overall weighted average of 68% in all degree-credit courses being used towards teh MTP program requirements.
Note: Students in the MTP program are not required to fulfill University breadth requirements for graduation purposes. This exemption does not, however, apply to Honors Bachelor degrees, and students who intend to upgrade to Honors are strongly recommended to complete the breadth requirement within their MTP program.
Failure to Meet Progression or Graduation Requirements
A student who fails to meet the progression requirements in any year must withdraw from the collaborative program. The option of transferring into an MIT module is contingent on space availability at the time the request is made. Students who withdraw from the program will not receive any transfer credit at Western for coursework completed at Fanshawe as part of the MTP program.
Dean's Honor List
MTP students will be considered for the Dean's Honor List in all years of the collaborative program. Adjudication will be based on having an overall 80% average on all courses taken within the academic year (September – April) and enrollment in the prescribed courseload for MTP at Fanshawe.
Graduation "With Distinction"
Students who have achieved an overall average of 80% with no grade lower than 70% on the entire program with no failed courses will receive the designation "With Distinction".
Gold Medal
The Gold Medal will be awarded to the student with the highest overall average on Western courses taken as part of the MTP program..
Students must follow the structure of the program as outlined by Western and Fanshawe. Modifications to the program may be made only in exceptional circumstances and with permission of both institutions.
Exchanges Academic exchange opportunities are not available for the collaborative program students.
Fees In the first year at Western, MTP students pay standard tuition fees. After first year, student pay higher tuition fees as MTP is a deregulated program. For more information on fees charged by Western in Years 1 and 3, contact the Office of the Registrar, Western Student Services building, RM 1120, 519-661-2100, or go to www.registrar.uwo.ca for details. For more information on fees charged by Fanshawe in Years 2 and 4, please contact the Office of the Registrar, Fanshawe College, 519-452-4277 or go to www.fanshawec.ca/registrar