Compressed Time Frame BScN Program
Unless otherwise specified, students will adhere to the entry to practice undergraduate programs.
Clinical Placements
Clinical placements are an important component of all programs and may be scheduled for days, evenings and weekends. Placements are arranged in London and in the Southwest Local Health Integration Network (LHIN). Students are responsible for transportation to placements.
Due to the significance of theoretical and practice knowledge in developing professional competence, students are expected to demonstrate professional responsibility through regular attendance at, and participation in all scheduled learning activities. Much of the learning that takes place will be a result of preparation of and engagement with material and active dialogue with colleagues and faculty. Therefore, students are expected to attend ALL classes, laboratories, seminars, workshops and clinical practice and clinical conferences.
While marks may be awarded for participation, they are not awarded for attendance. The implications for non-attendance are outlined in the UWO academic calendar for UWO students and in the Health Sciences Divisional Policy manual and Course Information for students of Fanshawe College.
Professional Practice Settings Include:
Seminars and Family Visits
Lab Practice, Simulated Learning Activities
Hospital and Community Practice Experiences
Professional practice is an integral part of a nursing student's preparation. Attendance at professional practice courses is mandatory and critical to success in the program and to professional competence. Frequent absence will be considered unprofessional behaviour and may result in an unsatisfactory professional practice performance appraisal. Students' progress will be evaluated on the practice time they have completed in each rotation and course. Normally there is no opportunity for make-up time in professional practice courses. In the event of an absence, the student must notify the agency and instructor.
Professional practice courses include
Nursing 1150A,
4499, the former Nursing 1102W, 2202X, 4410X, 4421W/X,
First Aid Certificate (Under Review: Please check back)
Undergraduate students are required to obtain a valid Standard First Aid Course certificate (St. John Ambulance or Canadian Red Cross) upon admission to the program. This cerificate will not need to be renewed annually.
Students will present their valid First Aid certificate to the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing at the beginning of the academic year in which they are admitted. Failure to comply with this policy will result in students being denied access to the first year professional practice courses [
Nursing 1150A,
1152B, the former 1102W].
C.P.R. -- Certification (Under Review: Please check back)
Undergraduate students are required to obtain a valid certificate in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation at the Basic Rescuer Level by the beginning of the year they are admitted.This certificate must be renewed annually throughout the program. Students will not be allowed into the practice setting locations until the appropriate documentation is submitted.
Transporting Patients
Under no circumstances, during professional practice experience or outside of this time, are students permitted to transport patients in patients' or students' personal vehicles.
English Language Proficiency Requirements
Students applying for admission to undergraduate nursing programs must satisfy one of the following criteria:
- English as a first language,
- At least four recent years of full-time study in an educational institution where the language of instruction was entirely in English and was located in a country where the first language is English,
- The required level of proficiency on an acceptable test of English language and an acceptable test of spoken English.
Proficiency in English (for grading of assignments)
Each student granted admission to Western must be proficient in spoken and written English. Students must demonstrate the ability to write clearly and correctly. Work presented in English in any subject, at any level, which shows a lack of proficiency in English and is therefore unacceptable for academic credit, will either be failed or, at the discretion of the instructor, returned to the student for revision to a literate level.
To foster competence in the use of the English language within their own discipline, all instructors will take proficiency in English into account in the assignment of grades.
Acceptable Tests and Scores:
- TOEFL: Paper-based 580; Computer-based 237 and TSE (Test of Spoken English) 50 or greater; Internet based: total score of 92-93, with 22-24 in writing, 26 in speaking, 20 in reading, and 20 in listening
- MELAB: 90, with at least 4 on the oral interview
- IELTS: 7, with at least 6.5 in reading and listening and at least 7 in writing and speaking
Students who, after admission, show an inadequate command of spoken or written English must improve their proficiency to the School's satisfaction. Students may be asked to withdraw from the program if their inadequate command of English interferes with their ability to provide professional services.
Applicants from Diploma and Degree Nursing Programs
Applicants in this category must have completed the requirements as outlined below to receive admission consideration:
1. Meet admission requirements as stated in the current Academic Calendar;
2. Submit, in writing, the reason for leaving the previous or current program and for applying to a nursing program at The University of Western Ontario.
The applicant must provide written permission to the School of Nursing to contact the Dean, Director, Coordinator, or Head of the Nursing program in which the student was previously or is currently registered for release of information about the student's status in the previous or current nursing program (including matters pending) with regard to failures, probation, suspensions, determination of professional unsuitability, disciplinary action, or other related matters.
Applicants from Diploma and Degree S.10-40a