For students entering the HBA program in
September 2009 and thereafter
, the following program curriculum applies:
The Third Year (HBA1)
The third year of the undergraduate program in Business Administration
consists of an integrated set of courses (8.25 courses) designed to give a basic understanding of the functions and the interrelationships of the major areas of management, as well as to develop problem-solving and action-planning skills.
All students will take: Business Administration 3300K, 3301K, 3302K, 3303K, 3304K, 3307K, 3311K, 3316K, 3321K, 3322K, 3323K.
No substitute for any of the above courses is permitted under any
The Fourth Year (HBA2)
The fourth year consists of required and elective courses (6.0 courses). The elective courses allow students to design a personal program of study best suited to their individual needs. A few students concentrate mainly in one functional area; most prefer to select courses from several areas.
International Perspective Requirement:
Business Administration 4505A/B.
Corporations and Society Perspective Requirement: at least one 0.5 course from Business Administration 4521A/B, 4522A/B, 4523A/B or other business elective as determined and approved by the HBA Program Director to satisfy this requirement.
Applied Project Requirement: At least one of Business Administration 4430 (1.0 course) or Business Administration 4410 (1.0 course). A student could choose to do both Applied Project options and this would reduce their elective requirements by 1.0 courses.
4.0 elective courses chosen from 4000 level Business courses 1.0 from the faculties of Arts and Humanities, Science, Social Science, or Law and that is career related may be substituted for a Business elective with the permission of the HBA Program Director.
For those students currently in the HBA Program
September 2008 and prior
, the following program curriculum applies:
The Third Year (HBA1)
The third year of the undergraduate program in Business Administration
consists of an integrated set of 7.5 courses designed to give a basic
understanding of the functions and the interrelationships of the major areas of management, as well as to develop problem-solving and action-planning skills.
All students will take: Business Administration 3300, 3301, 3302Y, 3303, 3304, 3307, 3311, 3316.
No substitute for any of the above courses is permitted under any
The Fourth Year (HBA2)
The fourth year consists of a total of 5.75 core and elective courses. The
elective courses allow students to design a personal program of study best suited to their individual needs. A few students concentrate mainly in one functional area; most prefer to select courses from several areas.
Business Administration 4415Q/R/S/T, 4466A/B, 4505A/B and one of Business Administration 4430 or Business Administration 4410.
3.5 elective courses chosen from 4000 level Business courses 1.0 from the faculties of Arts and Humanities, Science, Social Science, or Law, may be substituted for a Business elective with the permission of the HBA Program Director