Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements with no failures. Students must have an average of at least 70% in 3.0 principal courses, including French 1900E or 1910 plus 2.0 additional courses, with no mark in these principal courses below 60%.
10.0 courses:
1.0 course in second year: French 2905A/B and French 2906A/B (French 2900).
1.0 course in second year: French 2805A/B and French 2806A/B (or former French 2800).
1.0 course in second year from: French 2403A/B, 2404A/B, 2405A/B, 2406A/B, 2407A/B, 2408A/B, 2410E, 2411E, 2605F/G and 2606F/G (the French 2600E).
1.0 course: French 3900.
2.0 courses: French 3810A/B, 3830A/B, 3870A/B, 4040A/B.
0.5 course from: French 4900A/B, 4901A/B, French 4902A/B (Huron).
1.0 course from: French 4810A/B, 4820A/B, 4840A/B, 4880A/B.
1.0 course from: French 3202, 3306A/B and 3307A/B (or French 3300).
1.5 additional courses in French at the 3000 level or above.
Note: Both of French 2605F/G and French 2606F/G (or French 2600E) are prerequisites for further studies in French Literature and French 2805A/B and French 2806A/B are prerequisites for further studies in French Linguistics. No more than one full course can be counted towards both this module and another Minor, Major, Specialization or Honors Specialization.