Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements, including Visual Arts Studio 1020 or Visual Arts Studio 1025 and Visual Arts History 1040 with a mark of at least 60%, or permission of the Department.
4.0 courses:
1.0 course from: Classical Studies 3550E, VAH 2247E, 2249E, 2251E, 2253E, 2254F/G, 2255F/G, 2256E, 2257F/G, 2258E, 2259F/G, 2261E, 2262F/G, 2265E, 2266F/G, 2270E, 2272F/G, 2276E, 2277E, 2278E, 2279F/G, 2280F/G, 2281F/G, 2282E, 2283E, 2284E, 2286F/G, 2287F/G.
0.5 course from: VAS 2274A/B, 2275A/B.
2.0 courses: VAH 2240E, 2241F/G, 2285, 3385E, 3386F/G, VAS 2281F/G, 3381F/G, 3380E, the former VAS 2285.
0.5 course from: VAH 4490A/B, VAS 4490A/B.
This Minor may not be combined with the Honors Specialization in Art History and Criticism.
Students may count no more than 1.5 courses towards this module and either the Honors Specialization in Visual Arts module or the Honors Specialization in Studio Arts module.