Students entering the Software Engineering - Health Informatics Option will follow the same first three years as other students in the Software Engineering program. A student who wishes to enrol in the Health Informatics Option must have completed third year of the Software Engineering Program.
Fourth-Year Program
Pathology 4100F, Pathology 4110G, Physics 2600A/B, SE 4450, SE 4452A/B, SE 4453A/B, SE 4472A/B, ES 4498F/G, Business Administration 2299E, 0.5 non-technical elective* from the approved list.
*Selection of the non-technical elective must be approved by the Department Counsellor to satisfy the CEAB requirements of subject matter that deals with central issues, methodologies, and thought processes of the humanities and social sciences. An approved list can be found on the Engineering website. The Topic of the SE4450 capstone project must be in the Health Informatics field.