Sexuality Studies is an interdisciplinary intra-faculty module in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, administered by the Departments of Modern Languages and Literatures, Classical Studies, English, Film Studies, Philosophy, and Visual Arts, with the Department of Women's Studies and Feminist Research as the lead unit.
Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements, including one of Women's Studies 1020E or Comparative Literature and Culture 1023 with a mark of at least 60%, or permission from the Department of Women's Studies and Feminist Research in consultation with module partners.
6.0 courses:
1.0 course: Women's Studies 2273E.
2.0 courses from the area of “History, Culture and Practice”: Anthropology 2202F/G, 2255E, Classical Studies 3300F/G, 3310F/G, 3350F/G, Geography 3412F/G, History 4803E, Psychology 2075, Women's Studies 2160A/B, 2205F/G, 3305F/G, 3345F/G, 3356F/G, 4463F/G.
1.5 courses from the area of “Representation and Cultural Production”: CLC 2241F/G, 3333F/G, 3334F/G, 3335F/G, 3336F/G, 3395F/G-3397F/G, English 3886F/G, Film Studies 2255E, 3355F/G, Women's Studies 2243F/G, 3153F/G, 3363F/G, Visual Arts History 2286F/G, 2287F/G.
0.5 course from the area of “Theory”: Philosophy 2077F/G, 4750F/G, Women's Studies 2233F/G, 2253E, 2263F/G.
1.0 course from any of the courses listed in the above three areas.
The module must include at least 1.0 course at the 3000 level or above, and no more than 1.5 courses at the 2000-2199 level. At least 2.5 of the 6.0 courses must be Women's Studies courses.
A student may apply to the Department of Women's Studies and Feminist Research for approval to substitute 1.0 course not listed above, provided the course is relevant to the Sexuality Studies Major. The Department of Women's Studies and Feminist Research will make this decision in consultation with the module partners.