1. An academic appeal is a request:
a. for an exemption from a Senate regulation;
b. for an exemption from a ruling of a program;
c. for an exemption from a ruling of an administrator in an academic matter;
d. that a final standing in a program be changed;
e. for an exemption from a ruling of an instructor;
f. that a mark on a particular piece of work be changed;
g. that a mark on an examination be changed; or
h. that a final standing in a course be changed.
2. The grounds of appeal shall include one or more of the following:
a. medical circumstances;
b. compassionate circumstances;
c. extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control;
d. bias;
e. inaccuracy; or
f. unfairness.
Ignorance of Senate regulations and policies and particular program requirements and policies as set out in the University's Academic Calendars does not constitute grounds for an appeal.
3. If the matter being appealed relates to a course (see paragraph 1 sections (e), (f), (g), or (h)), the student must attempt to resolve the matter with the course instructor within 1 month of the decision or mark concerned coming to the attention of the student. The initial decision, ruling, mark or standing remains in effect until the instructor releases her or his decision. If the student is not satisfied with the resolution of the matter by the instructor, the student may appeal to the Graduate Chair of her or his program within 3 weeks of receiving the decision of the course instructor.
4. If the matter being appealed does not relate to a course (see paragraph 1 sections (a), (b), (c) or (d)), the student must submit a written appeal to the Graduate Chair of her or his program within 3 weeks of the ruling (in the cases of paragraph 1 (b) or (c) appeals) or announcement of standing (in the case of a paragraph 1(d) appeal). A student may make a request for an exemption from a Senate regulation to her or his Graduate Chair (see paragraph 1 section (a)) at any time. The initial regulation, ruling, or standing remains in effect until the Graduate Chair issues her or his decision.
5. An appeal to the Graduate Chair under paragraph 3 or paragraph 4 must state the following:
a. the matter being appealed; and
b. the grounds upon which the appeal is being made, including
1. a clear and detailed explanation of the facts supporting those grounds, and
2. all supporting documentation; and
c. the remedy being sought.
6. The Graduate Chair must decide, in accordance with the Program’s internal appeals procedures, whether to grant or deny the appeal, and provide the student with written notice of the decision, normally within 3 weeks of receipt of the written appeal.
7. The student may appeal the decision of the Graduate Chair to the Vice-Provost of the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies within 3 weeks of receiving notice of the decision of the Graduate Chair. The decision of the Graduate Chair remains in effect until a final disposition of the appeal to the Vice-Provost has been made under this policy.
8. Students appealing under paragraph 7 must use the form provided at http://grad.uwo.ca/documentation/appeals_application.pdf.
9. In all cases where a student appeals to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, the student will be encouraged by the office of the Vice-Provost to seek out the guidance and advice of the Associate/Assistant Dean Graduate Studies or Research (as appropriate) in their home Faculty (if that person has not been and will not be involved in the student’s appeal). These Associate/Assistant Deans are not able to provide the student with any relief in the appeal but may be helpful sources of information, support or guidance. Similarly, the student will also be immediately advised of the availability of the Office of the University Ombudsperson. Any consultation resulting will not affect the time limits established herein.
10. The Vice-Provost (or designate), upon receiving the appeal, shall take steps to attempt to bring about a settlement of the appeal, through conversations with the student and appropriate members of the university community, within 8 weeks of receipt of the appeal.
11. As part of the attempt to reach settlement, if either the student or the program requests it, the matter shall be referred for mediation by the Vice-Provost or designate to an Associate Vice-Provost (who is otherwise uninvolved with the appeal).
a. If such a referral is made, the student and a representative authorized by the program shall meet within 2 weeks with the mediating Associate Vice-Provost in an effort to resolve the matter(s) at issue.
b. If after the first meeting the student and the representative of the program both wish to continue to a further meeting with the mediating Associate Vice-President, mediation can continue as long as both parties wish. If, at any time in a meeting or between meetings, either the student or the representative of the program wishes to discontinue mediation, after the mandatory first meeting set out in paragraph 13(a), mediation shall immediately be discontinued and the appeal shall be continued.
c. If at any time during mediation, a resolution is reached between the program and the student, the appeal is ended.
d. The mediation process is confidential: the mediating Associate Vice-Provost may not divulge anything about the mediation to anyone; neither the student nor anyone representing the program at any further proceedings may reveal anything that transpired during mediation in any further proceeding.
12. Where no settlement is reached through the processes described in paragraphs 10 and 11, the Vice-Provost will decide the appeal. In considering the appeal, the Vice-Provost or designate shall consider information presented by the student and the program as follows:
a. All written materials presented by either the student or the program;
b. An interview with the student conducted by the Associate Vice-Provost;
c. Any interviews or conversations with members in the program as she or he deems necessary (such as instructors, staff, the supervisor, the Graduate Chair, etc.).
The Vice-Provost (or designate) may then either grant or deny the appeal, on such terms and conditions as she or he deems appropriate.
13. A student who is not satisfied with the decision of the Vice-Provost or designate may have a further appeal to the Senate Review Board Academic (SRBA). An appeal to SRBA must be made within 6 weeks after a decision has been issued by the Vice-Provost or designate. The decision of the Vice-Provost or designate remains in full force and effect unless and until overturned or modified by SRBA.
SR. June 2010