Common 1st Year
Required Courses 2nd Year
5.0 courses:
4.0 courses: Earth Sciences 2123A/B, 2200A/B, 2201A/B, 2206A/B, 2220A/B, 2222A/B, 2250Y, 2260A/B.
1.0 course from category A or category B.
Required Courses to be completed in 3rd or 4th Year
10.0 courses:
5.5 courses: Earth Sciences 3320A/B, 3321A/B, 3323A/B, 3340A/B, 4420A/B, 4421A/B, 4423A/B, 4451Z, 4490E, Physics 2110A/B.
2.5 courses from: Earth Sciences 3341A/B, 3370A/B, 3371A/B, 4424A/B, 4440A/B, 4462A/B, 4470A/B, the former Earth Sciences 4471A/B, Mathematics 1600A/B or the former Linear Algebra 1600A/B, Applied Mathematics 2402A or the former Differential Equations 2402A, Applied Mathematics 4129A/B, Mathematics 3124A/B, Geography 2220A/B, 2330A/B, or Physics 2910F/G.
2.0 courses of which at least 1.0 is at a senior level.
1. If Earth Sciences 1023A/B has been taken, Earth Sciences 2123A/B
cannot be taken, and one additional 2000-level or above Earth Sciences
course not otherwise required for the module must be taken as a substitute.
2. Prerequisites: Calculus 1301A/B or equivalent, Calculus 2302A/B and2303A/B or equivalent, are required prerequisites for Earth Sciences 3323A/B, 4420A/B, 4423A/B and 4424A/B.