Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements with no course grade less than 60% on a full course load. Students must have an average of at least 75% in the 5.0 course load and 75% in 3.0 principal courses, including Kinesiology 1080A/B, 1088A/B, Physiology 1021, plus 1.0 additional course.
Admission to the module is restricted to students registered in the School of Kinesiology. Students must be registered in first-year Kinesiology and declare the program during the February Intent to Register period.
The BA Honors Specialization in Fitness and Exercise Prescription is a limited enrollment program. More competitive academic standing may be required when demand exceeds enrollment capacity.
Additional Supplementary Information:
All applicants must submit an experience profile reflecting on leadership and training skills. Full details and forms will be available on the Kinesiology website. All submissions must be received no later than April 30 of the year.
Note: Students are advised to meet with the Kinesiology Academic Counsellor to facilitate planning and preparation for future course selections.
9.5 courses:
6.0 courses: Kinesiology 2222A/B, 2230A/B, 2236A/B, 2241A/B, 2276F/G, 2292F/G, 3337A/B, 3339A/B, 3347A/B, 3476F/G, 4433A/B, 4477A/B.
0.5 course from: Kinesiology 3410A/B, 4474A/B.
1.0 course from: Kinesiology 3356A/B, 3360A/B, 3363A/B, 3410A/B or 4474A/B (if not previously selected), Kinesiology 3474A/B, 4430F/G, 4432A/B.
2.0 *activity/Dance based courses of which 1.5 must be selected from: Dance 2274A/B, Kinesiology 2021Q/R/S/T, 2207Q/R/S/T, 3025Q/R/S/T, 2040A/B, 2042A/B, 3304A/B. [A minimum/maximum of four Physical Activity quarter courses (or equivalent) must be selected in each of second and third year].
*Note: Students should refer to the Kinesiology portion of the Academic Calendar titled “Physical Activity Skills and Coaching Courses” for a comprehensive list of Kinesiology activity designated courses.