The Certificate in Theatre Arts provides training in drama and theatrical performance that meets the requirements for Drama as a teachable subject in the Faculty of Education. In addition to 2.0 courses that study drama as a literary genre, the Certificate requires participation as either a member of the cast or crew for the Department of English's Annual Fall Production (English 2041F/G), a half course in Canadian drama with an emphasis on performance and pedagogy (English 2470F/G), and summer half courses offered in partnership with and on the campus of the Stratford Shakespeare Festival (English 2042F/G and 2043F/G). Students who take this certificate in tandem with a module in English may count 1.0 course toward both.
Admission Requirements
Completion of first-year requirements, including 1.0 from English 1020E or 1022E or 1024E or 1027F/G and 1028F/G or 1035E or 1036E with a mark of at least 60%. Students should consult with the Department prior to admission.
Program Requirements
To qualify for the Certificate in Theatre Arts, students must attain an average of 70% in these 4.0 courses:
2.0 courses: English 2041F/G, 2042F/G, 2043F/G, 2470F/G
2.0 courses from: Classical Studies 3100E, English 2400E, 2420E, 2430E, 2450E, 2460F/G.
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