The Minor in Foods and Nutrition is offered through the Department of Human Ecology at Brescia University College. The Minor is designed specifically for students in the undergraduate Health Sciences and Kinesiology programs of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Brescia University College who may pursue the Minor concurrently with their degree program. All Foods and Nutrition courses count towards the students undergraduate program.
Admission Requirements Completion of first-year requirements in the Health Sciences or Kinesiology program with an average of 70% and no failures. Students must have an average of at least 70% in 3.0 courses including Foods and Nutrition 1021 with a mark of at least 70%, and Chemistry 1100A/B and 1200B or the former 1050, 1020 or 023 with a mark of at least 60%. Enrollment is limited and meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the module.
Module 4.0 courses:
2.0 courses: Chemistry 2213A/B, Foods and Nutrition 2241A/B, 3344A/B, 3361A/B. 2.0 courses from: Foods and Nutrition 2232, 3339A/B, 3342A/B, 3348A/B, 3351A/B, 3364A/B, 3373A/B, 4452A/B, 4458A/B, the former Foods and Nutrition 4439A/B.